Effect 23 is a matter of strange circumstances. It has been dubbed an anomaly by those familiar with its usual effect. Some people call it a conspiracy. This prime number appears in the most unusual places. We see 23 embedded in the fabric of world history. Some of the pivotal events of our past have traces of the number 23. However, the number 23 is not limited to historical events. It can also be found in most ordinary situations. He has no preference for the ordinary or the spectacular. Here are some places 23 has chosen to show up:

– The recent book 23 minutes in hell

– Psalm 23

– 23 chromosomes

– Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times.

– There are 2,300 stones that make up the Great Pyramid.

– Blood takes 23 seconds to circulate through the human body.

– It is said that the biorhythmic cycle of a human being is 23 days.

– There are 23 vertebrae in the human body.

– The ancient Egyptians celebrated the New Year on July 23.

Thousands of people have been harassed by this number. Many people get scared and paranoid seeing this number appear repeatedly throughout the day or week. It can be unsettling when something follows you around, especially when you have no idea why. Number 23 has almost become a case of mass hysteria. Evidence of his control over us came in 2007 when the big screen movie The Number 23, starring Jim Carrey, was released. The plot follows the journey of a man driven mad by the number 23. What could be the meaning of the 23 effect?

Twenty-three is the number of synchronicity. Google defines synchronicity as the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection. The number 23 has a strange way of appearing at times when we least expect it. There does not seem to be an obvious relationship between this number and the corresponding event. The properties of the number 23 are mysterious. It has an elusive nature. It’s hard to isolate exactly why 23 appears at the exact moment a major event occurs. Even mathematicians are unable to explain the mechanics behind this process. I’m sure it’s a science we have yet to understand.

During an intuitive moment, I found a theory that could explain the 23 effect. The physical and non-physical universes are two sides of what mystics call the multiverse. Within the infinite multiverse, there are spheres, dimensions, or domains that contain worlds like ours. These spheres are not free-floating bubbles in a vacuum. They have invisible walls separating them. I like to use the analogy of rooms in a large hotel. The walls themselves are actually non-existent, as is the one that seems to separate us from our loved ones who have gone through transition. These spheres move back and forth. When there is a conjunction of two domains at a specific point in the space-time continuum, a chain of events is triggered resulting in effect 23. This is called a “angled edge”. The architecture of the universe is fantastic and cannot be fully conceived by the human mind. This is my humble theory of the 23 effect. Perhaps it will clear up a rather long and tedious mystery.

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