Oh that mythical fountain of youth! We have longed to find it since the 16th century when Juan Ponce de León searched for the mysterious waters that would cure aging. Although we joke about that magic fountain, the truth is that the “waters of youth” can actually be seen as the fluids within our own bodies that carry nutrients to our cells, feed them, and remove cellular waste. If those fluids contain even small amounts of toxins, the cells cannot excrete waste or absorb nutrients efficiently.

In 1912, the French physician and biologist Dr. Alex Carrel of the Rockefeller Institute won the Nobel Prize in medicine for his work on the immortality of the cell. Dr. Carrel experimented with various tissues and organs, keeping them alive in laboratory experiments with pure nutrients and continually cleaning up waste. His research indicated that aging occurs because minute amounts of toxic substances accumulate in the blood and other fluids throughout the body. This led Dr. Carrel to conclude: “The cell is immortal. It is simply the fluids in which it floats that degenerate. Renew this fluid at appropriate intervals and give the cells food to feed themselves, and as far as we know, the pulse of life can go on forever.”

Wrinkled sagging skin begins with the plasma membrane. This membrane is where most of the damage occurs. As this membrane ages, it hardens and loses its fluidity. When it hardens, water cannot pass through the cell wall with nutrients or remove waste properly. Waste products build up and cause inflammation, which is one of the main factors contributing to aging, along with sun damage, stress, and sleep disturbances. It cleanses the body and the cells have the best chance to remain flexible and young.

Would you like to stay young and healthy for as long as possible? Many people believe that there is no way to stop the inevitable aging process, at least not without expensive drugs, surgery, or high-tech interventions. But what most people don’t realize is that they have the power to look younger and feel healthier, starting with your next meal. A diet rich in raw foods, vegetable juices, pure water, whole grains, and lean proteins can begin to gently cleanse the body and protect it from inflammation and free radical damage that cause wrinkles and other symptoms of aging. Add regular cleanses to a healthy whole foods diet and you could literally watch the years roll down your face.

The Wrinkle Cleanse four-step plan is designed to remove toxins from the body, eliminating toxins and poisons. It outlines a detailed, easy-to-follow program to help you rejuvenate your cells and transform your health:

STEP 1: The quick cleanings. These begin with an all-day vegetable juice fast or a two-day raw food rejuvenator, both of which will perk up the body and help repair damaged cells virtually overnight. These are a great “starting point” for your Wrinkle Cleanse program or a “quick fix” to get ready for a weekend or special event.

STEP 2: The 14 Day Diet. This part of the program features a diet that includes raw vegetables, fruits, sprouts, vegetable juices, plain water, whole grains, legumes, lean protein, and other nutrient-dense foods. Eliminates substances that increase inflammation and contribute to wrinkles, such as simple and refined carbohydrates, caffeine, alcohol, and junk food, resulting in firmer skin and better muscle tone.

STEP 3: The cleaning impulse. These cleanses give the body the opportunity to experience a deep cleanse in the organs of the body, such as the intestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, and kidneys. These unique cleansing programs help eliminate toxins that congest the organs and promote aging. The Cleansing Boost can totally transform your face and your overall health. Start with a Colon Cleanse and then move on to the 7-Day Liver Cleanse, 7-Day Gallbladder Cleanse, and Kidney Cleanse.

STEP 4: Energy Supplement Program. This aspect of the cleansing program highlights vitamins and minerals that help renew the skin and increase vitality. Antioxidants like alpha and beta carotene, vitamin E, glutathione, selenium, and alpha lipoic acid bind to free radicals and prevent them from damaging cells.

You may think that this sounds too simple. How could such a cheap diet program make a person look younger? I can tell you first hand that it works. Several years ago I was traveling more than I was at home. My eyelids and skin began to look considerably older with creases, wrinkles, and creases. My husband even commented that maybe I should get an eye lift. He knew that if I was aging at an accelerated rate, aging was also happening internally, perhaps even preparing me for major illness. I took action! I began a cleansing program with a raw food diet and a three-day vegetable juice fast. After the first week, I continued to drink vegetable juice every day. I cut out most of the carbs, even though I am a lover of mashed potatoes. It was worth it. Within a few months, I noticed that my skin tightened, wrinkles and drooping eyelids had disappeared. My eyes look bigger again. Even my chin was toned. Someone asked me if I had an eye lift. Best of all, I felt great. Live! And you can too. Try the Wrinkle Remover. After all, you have nothing to lose except wrinkles. (C) Cherie Calbom

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