In this article we are going to look at Cataclysm and how it has changed the game of World of Warcraft forever.

One of the most important things in the game is to make gold and you have to know how to do it or you won’t be able to participate in the endgame raids some of which you will be able to fight against Deathwing, PVP needs a lot of gold and not to mention the actual leveling it can be made much easier if you have the best equipment and weapons.

Well, if you search a bit, you will surely see a lot of posts on how to make gold, but the problem is that you have to make sure that you get up-to-date strategies.

There are some gold guides that used to help, but with World of Warcraft approaching its fifth birthday, the old techniques and strategies won’t work as well anymore.

Here are 3 things to look for to ensure you get an up-to-date WOW Cataclysm gold guide:

1. Be sure to note the new worgen and goblin races as they were released with Cataclysm.

You can be pretty sure that if you have any information on these races, it was made for Cataclysm.

2. Another thing to look for is proof of real gold being made and you should see this BEFORE committing to anything. Take note of the time the video was recorded and again this is a good way to see if the guide is up to date.

Make sure you are not just getting strategies that are meant for professional players, you should find strategies that anyone can use and ideally to get started in the game as well.

3. Lastly, make sure there is more than just a guide, as many of these guides these days just have an online .pdf file containing hints and tips.

With YouTube and other video sites, there’s really no excuse for valuable tips to be explained on video, and of course, this also means they’ll have to play the game!

To conclude, make sure you get a guide that has been updated for Cataclysm, and of course a good one can mean you get an advantage in how much gold you can make.

I hope this article has told you what to look for in a Cataclysm gold guide and I wish you luck on your adventures.

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