Marketing Communications Definitions

Marketing Communication (CM) is the only way for companies to convey products, services, and ideas from manufacturers to end users. Makes and maintains interaction with customers, prospects, retailers, and stakeholders. Marketing communication has a combination in which advertising and sales promotion play a fundamental role. MC types include advertising, public relations, and sales promotions. Of these, advertising broadens the marketing […]

5 tips to make more money with Google AdSense

Google’s advertising platform for publishers, Google AdSense, can be both rewarding and inexplicably frustrating. Most bloggers who start using AdSense get discouraged after a couple of months because they aren’t making the money they were dreaming of. Sure, charging pennies for clicks that rarely come can be a disappointment, but I’m here to tell you it’s not the end of […]

Avoid tunnel vision of marketing metrics

Marketing companies and especially digital marketing companies are focused on cultivating a data-driven culture. Because digital media is famous for being the most measurable channel available to brands and marketers today, it is not surprising that agencies have become a bit obsessed with metrics. When it comes to email marketing, open and click rates are the most important, while lead […]

Four cornerstones of a great presentation

You may have the best idea, the best product, or the best proposal. However, if you can’t present it professionally, it may never be recognized as valuable. There are four simple steps to making a successful presentation, called the four cornerstone methods: 1. Understand your audience 2. Understand your purpose 3. Understand the material 4. Understand yourself Mastering these four […]

Network crash

Even smart grid users can experience a decrease or slowdown in network activity. There are many reasons for unpredictable situations, such as the time of year, holidays, changes in industry / economic climate, etc. But regardless of the circumstances, you can bounce back and gain traction in your networking efforts. Here are some tips for navigating uncertain conditions and getting […]

Impact of social media on society

“Do you have Facebook?” “Yes, of course. But I don’t think you can find me as there are too many people who have the same name as me. Try searching with my last name as well.” “Hey, you celebrated your birthday at K-Box, right? I saw the pictures on your Facebook.” “Brother, I saw your comments on the YouTube video […]

How to go viral in social media marketing

How to go viral on social networks? Here are some tips for using trending topics to go viral: Avoid creating viral content around tragedies or negative events. Try to create fun and fun content. Use a social media management tool like Sprout Social to monitor trending topics from a single dashboard. The idea of ​​thousands or even millions of people […]