Digital Marketing, Search Engine Positioning and Marketing

Digital marketing or online marketing as it is popularly known is a tool to carry out the marketing of our product online. Direct email marketing, search engine optimization, and search engine marketing are some of the tools that fall under this category. They are increasingly common in the online world. It is a very popular form of advertising, The media […]

Boost your career with the help of astrology

Vedic astrology is a tremendous science and an art form that helps us find the right path to move forward in life. By using the nine planets, twenty seven Nakshatras and their placement and combinations in twelve houses, an astrologer can create one’s natal chart. And the only information required for the same is the date, time and place of […]

16 Simple Ways To Grow Your Email List For Email Marketing

What is email marketing? Email marketing has become an essential tool for any online business. Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email to promote commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. However, the term is used to refer to; • Sending emails for the purpose of establishing a merchant’s relationship with their current or former customers […]

Best kitchen technology 2018

The year 2018 is marked by unique design and smart technologies in kitchen appliances. Smart appliances can make cooking really easy and fun. You can enjoy smart coffee makers, microwaves, precision cookers, grill masters, and much more! Most are connected to the Internet so you can adjust your technology through the Amazon or Google apps. Some have video chat and […]

Mass SMS marketing or mass SMS sending

Are you one of those marketers or companies who think you are actively involved in bulk SMS marketing simply because you are sending bulk SMS filled with “irresistible offers”? Bad news: that’s not marketing and you’re just wasting your time and money. Good news: you can change things, but first, you need this knowledge… What is marketing by the way? […]

Ad Networks: Where Can You Buy Ads?

Banner ads are one of the most successful and effective forms of online marketing. However, they are a form of paid advertising and you have to buy them from reputable networks. It is true that every penny you spend is worth it as long as you know what you are doing. This is because banner ads contain attractive animations and […]

Blogging Tips for Beginner Bloggers

You’re probably here because someone told you, “You should start a blog!” so you did… And now you don’t know what to do next. Here is a long list of blogging tips that every blogger should have on their to-do and idea lists. Start by writing something EVERY day. Don’t worry so much about what, she just writes. The more […]

How To Finally Start Profiting From Stock Market Trading

After 15 years of actively trading the stock market, here are 6 things I learned that will help you become a much more consistent and profitable trader. 1. Trade only fast-moving trends. Our ability to profit from the stock market depends more on this decision than any other: ONLY trade long-term, fast-moving trends. The results of your trading depend less […]