Goat Tying Basics

Goat tying is a timed event in which the contestant leads their horse towards a guarded goat at the other end of the arena. After dismounting in a race, the goat is turned around and three of its four legs are tied. Time ends after the contestant throws their hands in the air. As in the calf rope, the goat […]

7 areas of limitation in professional development

Limited self-esteem and lack of self-esteem: As career professionals, we often underestimate our own abilities and attribute a higher degree of efficiency and aptitude to others. This limiting belief prevents professional development from reaching its full potential. Professionals who want to advance their careers must understand that their skills are competitively matched to others in their field. Developing self-confidence and […]

The 7 best things you can do with Amazon Echo

Got a new Alexa device? It can be Amazon Echo, Amazon Echo Dot, or Amazon Tap. The Amazon Echo has gained wide acclaim since its launch last year. It’s important to know the features of your new smart assistant. This is how you can exploit it to its full benefits and use it to its full potential. Echos’ virtual assistant […]

Playstation Move – A Brief History

Originally known by various names, PlayStation Move was originally introduced in June 2009. There was a lot of debate within Sony Entertainment about what to call the controller still. The press continued to incorrectly refer to him as the Magic Wand or the Magic Wand. Sony eventually named it “The Motion Controller” and in September 2009 the name “Move” was […]

The overhead squat will help you get those ripped abs.

There are several weight-bearing exercises that directly impact the abdominal muscles or core, but they were meant to work other parts of the body. Back squats work your legs directly, but they also work your glutes, back, and shoulders. That’s what you call a full body workout. An exercise that surprisingly works the abdominal muscles and core is the overhead […]

walking leadership

Joseph Solymossy is a hard-minded man with a soft heart. That doesn’t mean he’s maudlin. A Naval Academy graduate and retired Navy Captain, Joe has spent several decades in the nuclear power business. He today he is an executive of a large corporation that manages nuclear power plants. It’s about getting results. Joe is a smart guy. He knows that […]

Social contagion: you become the company you keep

During the 2020 coronavirus lockdown, we have all done our best to avoid this highly contagious virus and experienced varying levels of state-enforced social distancing. With the gradual lifting of the lockdown and the resumption of social contact, we are now increasingly exposed to another threat, another form of contagion. This renewed threat is known as emotional contagion, which is […]

Intermodal Transportation and Land Bridges

While most people don’t know it, intermodal freight shipping has been around for quite some time, dating back to the 1780s in England. The method of moving a loaded container from one vehicle to another without actually handling the cargo itself has grown from ships and rail to include trucks and barges as technology has evolved. The use of standardized […]

How to pay bills with your Waterford Crystal

Sometimes luxury items like Waterford Crystal can pay your bills As we all know, Waterford Crystal is a luxury item. Beautiful to hold with all the bright colors of sunshine through an open window, but sometimes those big, shiny things need to take a backseat to feeding your family! That’s right. When the bills are due and the mortgage or […]