Leasing Vs Loan: Which is better?

Which is better, a lease or a loan? This is a question that comes up all the time, and frankly, one isn’t better than the other. A lease and a loan are actually very similar in that they are both a means of financing the purchase of equipment. That said, a loan is often viewed as a method of purchasing […]

The best wines in the world

Wine making is believed to have started as early as 6000 BC. C. in Georgia and Iran, and production began in the year 4500 a. C. in Greece. Today, wines are produced in numerous regions of the world where laws governing the classification and sale of wines require that wines be classified by region or terroir (European wines) or by […]

Top 5 myths about being a professional poker player

Most people who watch poker on television think that being a professional poker player must be one of the best “jobs” in the world. And while it’s great, there are many aspects of the lifestyle that most people don’t know about. If you are an aspiring poker professional, this article will help you understand what you are getting into. These […]

A day of prayer – Praying for our nation

In the early hours of September 26, 2008, I had two dreams that prompted me to do something I had never done before. God instructed my wife and I to close our business for that day and spend the entire day praying for our nation. This is the day our leaders must make God-given decisions to save our nation from […]

Patching the Confluence Server and Data Center Vulnerability

Confluence Server and Data Center Vulnerability This article discusses the Confluence server and data center vulnerability that affects most versions of Confluence. This vulnerability can allow attackers to steal data from a company’s server, deploy ransomware, or access private files. While the technical details of the exploit are available online, it is critical that you patch your system as soon […]

Midsize businesses using DRaaS are anticipated to dominate the DRaaS market during the forecast period

Midsize businesses using DRaaS accounted for the largest market share in 2016, due to growing economic conditions, better functionality at lower cost, secure infrastructure, fast recovery, increasing regulatory pressures, and improved disaster recovery and business continuity. Advanced technology has reduced the importance of economies of scale and has led to growth potential for midsize companies to grow globally. Most companies […]

My opinion on cardio

My personal beliefs in cardio are very varied. I find that cardio does a lot of different things to my body; some affect me well and others don’t affect me as much. I will share with you my personal experience with cardio. First of all, you better explain what cardio is. Cardio in my books is any activity that lasts […]

Real friend or user?

A good reason to keep friends is to have kindred spirits to help, be it mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual. It can be very easy to make friends, at which point they enter the outer circle of our influence. Some of these new friends move very quickly to an inner circle position; some naturally due to shared experiences and some […]