Christian party games can be hard to come by. When I was given the task of coming up with Christian activities for my cousin’s baby shower, I was initially stumped. But then my aunt handed me a Bible trivia book and the ideas started flowing.

That’s what I want to do for you today. Help you get your creative Christian gaming juices flowing. Here are five games I’ve found that will work in any environment. They are simple games and can be easily implemented. Each game is interactive and entertaining.

Use your imagination to make games unique to your audience, event, and personal preference. But, just to get you started in the right direction, here are 5 Christian party game ideas that are sure to work at your next event:

  • ELEVATOR TESTIMONY GAME: Great as a game or Christian icebreaker. Go around the room and have each person give their personal testimony in 30 seconds to 1 minute or less.
  • WHAT A FAMOUS CHRISTIAN AM I?: This game is really simple. Divide your group into teams. Then, read aloud the description of a biblical character, famous Christian artist, or Christian celebrity and give the team/individual a set amount of time to answer the question. Or whoever answers the question first wins.
  • BIBLE CHARADES GAME: Do you have an outgoing competitive group? So Biblical charades are perfect. Biblical Charades is played like any other charades game, but with a Biblical theme. Divide the group into two teams of at least three people each. Decide on a time limit, between 3 and 5 minutes, for each round. Before the game begins, the groups should decide which specific hand signals and pantomime will represent books, movies, songs, etc.
  • BIBLE BINGO: Bingo will always be a favorite. I’ve played Bible bingo so many times I can’t even count them, but the point is, it was fun and I got to play it a million times and always enjoy it. The key to bingo is having big prizes (they don’t have to be expensive either). Create a bingo card and have your guests fill in the slots with biblical themes such as books from the bible, famous biblical prophets, or names of women in the bible. Then say names, books, etc. from your own pre-written list.
  • I AM BLESSED ICEBREAKER: Simply go around the room and give each person a chance to complete the following sentence: “I know I am blessed because__________.” If you want, you can have your guests write their responses on index cards when they arrive and place them in a basket for a raffle at some point during the event.

See what I mean, simple. Once you get a creative push in the right direction, creating Christian games is actually quite easy. A word of caution though: keep your guests’ personalities in mind when selecting or creating games and activities. You don’t want to inadvertently alienate or offend anyone. Right?

If you have a group of shy or quiet guests, you may or may not want to play games that take them out of their comfort zone, unless of course that’s your goal. On the other hand, if you have a group of outgoing and loud guests, you may want to choose something more dynamic and interactive.

To be hurt!

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