blow dryers

Blow dryers are a necessity for many people, but daily heat exposure can cause roughness and damage. In fact, some studies have shown that blow drying is as damaging as cigarette smoke. So, is it bad to use a blow dryer or should you just go without one? The answer is that it all depends. If your hair is healthy, it can handle a lot of heat and still look great. But, if it’s damaged and overprocessed, it’s going to be harder for your mane to bounce back from a blowout.

A recent survey by NCAC shows that 60% of consumers don’t read their hair dryer’s instruction manual or understand precautions like “Don’t wrap the cord around the blow dryer“. This is a major safety hazard and could be the reason why so many people are experiencing issues when using their blow dryers.

The NCAC questionnaire also revealed that only 50% of participants understand that the heat settings on a blow dryer should never be set higher than 410 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a high temperature that can burn or scald the scalp and scalp follicles, which may lead to permanent hair loss and other scalp conditions.

are blow dryers safe

Luckily, the latest blow dryers are built with a lower temperature setting and a safety lock, so you don’t have to worry about overheating your tresses. The only thing that is more important than choosing the right heat setting is ensuring you’re using your blow dryer properly.

To prevent breakage and to keep your strands looking their best, be sure to detangle your hair with a wide-tooth comb while your hair is wet. Then, use a light leave-in conditioner and heat protectant to help minimize the damage caused by your blow-drying sesh. Finally, blot the excess water from your hair with a microfiber towel before starting the blow-out process. Then, section your hair and gently blow dry each part while keeping the dryer about 6 inches away to avoid heat damage.

The bottom line is that blow-drying your hair can be damaging if you don’t know how to do it properly. Make sure you take your time and always use a high-quality, safe blow dryer.

For more expert tips on how to care for your strands, check out our Hair Guide and our Triple Bond Complex weekly hair mask that makes your locks eight times stronger against grooming breakage. Plus, our GRO Revitalizing Shampoo and Conditioner with bio-encapsulated vegan b-SILK protein are specially designed to repair and strengthen your locks so they can withstand more frequent use of hot tools. Shop the full range of blow dryers and other GRO products for hair that looks good and feels healthy. For more beauty news, sign up for our newsletter. You’ll get the latest updates and exclusive content delivered straight to your inbox! No spam, we promise.

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