Thank God I’m a black sheep …

Have you ever been called a “black sheep”?

If so, rejoice with me as you are probably a deliverer, a game changer whose life purpose is to break the chains of mental slavery that humanity gladly and unconsciously adopted … to date, most people follow being “slave” to their own minds and soundly “sleeping” through their lives as zombies.

If you have seen the Matrix movies, you will get the analogy of “thinking” that we are creating our own reality using our free will when in reality we are just following our programming; “a program” connected to the beliefs and collective consciousness of “the womb or the” environment we live in. When you “wake up” like Neo in the matrix movies and take “the red pill”, you become aware of what that is really happening in your life and you can USE your free will I highly recommend that you watch the movie as this article will make the most sense to you if you have watched movies.

Going back to my black sheep analogy; History shows that all the “Heroes” who have made a positive difference to humanity were the nonconformists, those who thought outside the box, the “divergents” in whom the collective “programming” did not work; those who were called “bad”, rude, disobedient, those who dared to live things that others did not dare, the crazy ones who did not follow the rules, those who were rejected by their people, those who refused to remain enslaved once They had a taste of the truth, a taste of true freedom.

Most people are “asleep” but still yearn for freedom because deep down, we want to be liberated, we want to shine, we want to live by our own choice and design our own lives.

What does this tell you? That it is good to be different, to be Unique, not to fit into the normal mold of what society dictates; It is okay to follow your own heart, to be what you aspire to be in addition to the fears you may feel, in addition to the persecution, rejection and teasing. It’s okay for you to do whatever you want to do as long as you’re not taking away other people’s free will.

Jesus said on the cross where he was crucified: “Forgive them father, because they do not know what they are doing.” So true! When you are “enslaved” and “asleep”, you do not realize what you are doing or being if it is considered bad or good. Jesus knew that a man is nothing more than a product of his belief system, his environment, and his programming, so he was willing to forgive those who tortured him.

Some cultures and religions know how to scare us, how to control us because when we are “asleep”, we need rules, regulations, guidance. We need to be told what to do, believe, and sometimes who to be.

The beauty of being “awake” is the ability to follow what our heart tells us to follow: this is what black sheep do and for that reason they are harshly judged, sometimes rejected, feared. True liberators are in the driver’s seat of your mind and soul; They choose to claim their personal power, to dominate themselves, to live by their own choice, to love unconditionally, to help others awaken, to be light workers, to allow God to use them as “vessels” for the greater good and they will not fit into the description of the company. ‘golden boy or girl.

Accept to be a black sheep if you are, enjoy the journey and the journey, stand firm in your power, lead and choose to live a free and magnificent life.

You are not alone, if you need support to accelerate your results, let’s chat, it will be an honor to support you.

From one black sheep to another,

Love and light,

Marieme faye

Financial Strategist and Wealth Awareness Expert

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