Investing in baking equipment can be quite expensive, so it is wise to maintain this equipment and take care of it so that it lasts as long as possible. Below are some tips on how to care for some of the more common baking equipment. You can get good kitchen equipment at any good store.

Oven – The importance of this piece of equipment for a baker cannot be overemphasized. Make your oven last by not using it as a table or cabinet. When not in use, make sure it is closed. Be sure to always close the door gently; no bumps Always know the cooking and baking time of the recipes to avoid opening and closing it too often. Be sure to always measure the correct amount of batter or better to avoid spillage when baking in the oven. To clean the oven, unplug the oven and then using a soft cloth and warm soapy water, gently wipe the shelves and sides. Be sure to squeeze the cloth so that it does not drip water. Do not use a knife or any sharp object to scrape the inside of the oven; instead, place a soft cloth on it to soften it, and then wipe it clean.

Baking dishes: Do not scrape them with a metal object, such as a knife. Do not hit them with any hard object so they do not lose their shape, wash them in warm soapy water with a soft sponge, rinse well and make sure they are dry before storing.

Hand/Stand Mixer: Always place mixer and mixing bowl on a solid surface when using. When mixing cold butter, be sure to cut it into chunks. Do not run the mixer for long periods of time at a time, break the time into two to three minute intervals, i.e. turn on, mix for two minutes, turn off, turn on again, mix for another two minutes and so on. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for disassembly and cleaning. Make sure they are dry before storing.

Mixing Bowls and Wooden Spatulas/Spoons: Always wash in warm soapy water, rinse in cold water, place on a rack to dry, then store away from dust.

Baking Sheets – When using baking sheets, always put a baking sheet or parchment paper on them to prevent things from sticking to them and never use them as normal baking sheets so they can hold their shape.

flour/sugar sieve; when washing them, use a very soft cloth or sponge with minimal force to prevent the mesh from widening.

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