Look around you and you’ll see that from movie stars to runway strutters, the lean look is the look that turns heads. Getting that look is all about burning fat and building muscle, the right way. It’s a balancing act that many people struggle with.

Here’s how to burn body fat and build muscle without making the mistakes that lead most people astray.

Diet to lose body fat.

Your nutrition plan is the key to burning body fat. The law of thermodynamics dictates that you need to create a deficit between the calories you consume and the calories you use. You can do this through diet, exercise, or any combination of the two, but learning to eat according to your goals for a lean, toned appearance will always give you the most bang for your buck. As the saying goes, abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.

Use the right training approach

With that said, workouts definitely have their place in creating a toned look. Despite what you may read in some fitness magazines, training bodybuilder-style to try to build extravagant amounts of muscle will not magically give you the lean, toned body you seek. It’s about having the right amount of muscle in the right places, and this is about choosing and using the right exercises and the right weights in the right way.

It’s easy to dive straight into how to exercise, which champion routine to follow and which super supplement to take, and it’s easy to lose track of why we train in the first place. Keep your goals in mind. You will not get the lean toned look by following a bodybuilding approach. Choose the right role models.

The good news… You don’t have to give up your life to do this.

Have you ever noticed how Hollywood actors get fit in 2-3 months and look great? Well, you can too. The only thing they have access to and you don’t have is the best trainers in Hollywood. What these trainers bring to the party is wisdom! There is a lot of fitness information and even knowledge out there, but having the wisdom to apply it will make all the difference. It is much more important than knowing or doing everything.

You too can get results like this when it comes to burning body fat and building muscle.

Focus on what matters

Some things matter, most things don’t and are just potential distractions. Keep in mind that burning body fat and building muscle is simply about:

1) Find and use a viable nutrition plan that is sustainable to burn fat and keep it off.

2) Exercising in a way that builds muscle the right way and doesn’t require you to become a gym monk.

That’s it. Follow these golden rules and your goals will not be far away.

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