Most people make New Years resolutions. Most of these New Year’s resolutions are wishes for health, wealth, and happiness. There is something in a new year that makes people want to start well and that is why they make resolutions.

The word “resolution” comes from the verb “solve”, which means to reach a solution or a decision about some puzzle or question. Frankly, most New Year’s resolutions are mere wishes and not really resolutions because very few of them come true.

For resolutions to become reality, they must be more than just wishes, but real action plans with action steps. Since health and fitness directly impact our personal well-being and the well-being of our families, we must make a determination to be fit and healthy.

But how?

Here are some ideas:

Know the state of your health. See your doctor before starting any exercise or diet regimen. Get a thorough exam and tell your doctor about your health and weight loss goal. People often go on fast diets out of desperation that never have a happy ending. Make sure you choose a healthy eating plan that allows you to be successful in the long run, so you don’t set yourself up for failure from the start.

Express your resolve as a principle. Let your resolution be the guiding principle that will define all the food choices and activities you will make throughout the year. If you can, articulate it as a theme or motivational phrase. The catchier and shorter it is, the easier it is to remember and the easier it is to use to discipline yourself and gather your strength against inactivity and excess weight. For example, if you use “Thin is in 2015”, it is catchy, but not very accurate. A spaghetti noodle is thin, but so is a flagpole. But if you put it as a command, “Lose 52 pounds in 2015.” It is no longer a wish or a wish, it is both a goal and an order.

Break it down into small tasks. 52 pounds is a great figure. But again, you have 12 months or roughly 52 weeks to lose those 52 pounds, which translates to roughly 4 1/4 pounds every month of the year or 1 pound every week. There you go You can check your resolution: “One pound a week in fifty-two weeks makes fifty-two pounds lost in 2015.” Not only is a pound a week a healthy rate to lose weight, it is also a very achievable goal.

Think of particular action plans. Answer the question: how do you plan to lose a pound each week? This is where you have to think hard.

  • You can’t starve yourself because starving will turn into bingeing.
  • You cannot deprive yourself because deprivation can mean malnutrition.
  • You cannot abstain from all your favorite foods because you will get frustrated.

Think in terms of what you can do rather than what you can’t do.

  • Substitute unsweetened natural tea for soda.
  • Substitute vegetable sticks and salsa for fries and dressing.
  • Eat fish and chicken instead of pork or beef.
  • Bake, boil, or poach instead of frying.
  • Grill instead of sauté.
  • Squeeze lemon juice and a little olive oil over the lettuce instead of using cream dressings.
  • Eat whole wheat bread instead of white bread.
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Walk to the market instead of taking the car.
  • Get started on a cardio regimen or join a fitness class.

Find a training partner. It’s so much easier to jog or walk when you’re with a friend – the mile goes by faster because of compassion and conversation.

Make sure your sparring partner is someone who knows you well enough to be a drill sergeant when you feel lazy and need it; and a cheerleader when you feel exhausted and need a helping hand.

Challenge yourself continuously. Take small steps at first, but as you become stronger and more confident, lengthen your stride. If you tell yourself that at first you will walk around the block before breakfast, do this until it becomes part of your routine (about a week or two) and when you are no longer panting when you go around the block, walk up to the next block. and on return.

Gradually increase the time you walk or walk around the block more times or go further and further until you build up stamina and strength. Once you get bored with just walking, try jogging. And then running. Improve your game to keep things interesting.

Find ways to measure your progress. Keep a log on your refrigerator door and write down how many blocks you walked today. If you wear a pedometer, write down the number of steps you took each day. The sense of accomplishment will further drive your determination to stick with your exercise or physical activity routine.

Also monitor weight loss and inches, this is a more positive booster that will keep you going.

Designate a weightin day. If you weigh yourself every day, you will most likely have an emotional roller coaster experience, as reading on the bathroom scale is often affected by your daily bathroom habits, the outfit you wear, the amount of fluid you took.

Instead of having a roller coaster experience, take a break and weigh yourself once a week or once every two weeks.

Reward yourself. If you lose 5 pounds, enjoy a movie. Surely a 20 pound loss deserves your favorite perfume bottle or a new device? Whatever the reward, remember to choose something meaningful – rewards reinforce behavior, which can help you reach your long-term goal.

Be kind, loving, and patient with yourself. Be your own cheerleader and your own drill sergeant. Hug yourself when you feel disappointed that you missed a milestone. Give yourself good advice and convince yourself not to give up. Dare to get back on track.

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