If you are constantly in front of the computer, writing a document or finishing a report or two, you may have experienced situations in which your body suddenly becomes numbered and your current position, regardless of how comfortable it may seem, becomes a body energy source. Pains you can’t understand These are signs that your body is experiencing some kind of stress and injury.

Three of the most common parts easily affected by stress and related injuries are the wrists, neck, and shoulders to the waist. If these parts of your body are in pain, you may find it difficult to stand, sit, and even perform basic bodily functions. Also, pain that occurs in these parts of your body could develop into sciatica, RSI, carpal tunnel, or worse, paralysis.

To combat body aches and pains, you need to find a more comfortable position to sit while using the computer and give ergonomics a try in your hectic life. You will be amazed at the difference it can make! Ergonomics can protect your muscles and bones from cramps and injuries caused by sitting too long, and can also minimize the occurrence of stress.

Neck strain is probably the most common type of injury felt around the neck and shoulders. You may find it difficult to tilt your head at certain angles if you’ve been hit with neck strain. You may also feel uncomfortable sleeping in certain positions; neck tension causes this phenomenon. The longer you stay in front of the computer without exercising your body from time to time, you could cause damage to your joints as well. To decrease the chance of neck strain, stretch a little after a few hours of computer use and use neck ergonomics to protect your neck and shoulders from unnecessary stress.

In addition to neck strain, you are also prone to back pain caused by incorrect sitting postures. If you are usually in front of the PC, try to observe regular periods of rest. A 20-minute break can do you good.

You should try some stretching exercises during your short break to loosen the tension in your muscles and joints. You should also observe the proper sitting position.

This can be achieved by maintaining a correct sitting posture with the use of ergonomic chairs and lumbar support. Make sure your feet are flat on the floor or use a footrest if it’s hard to get your feet on the floor without slouching.

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