Bonsai seeds are actually normal tree seeds that could have been completely contaminated with Apiosporino Colinsii. This is actually a fungus that attacks the genes of the tree, thus recreating the entire genetic code of the tree and perhaps creating dwarf specimens similar to bonsai trees. These are unusual bonsai seeds simply because trees that are affected by this fungus rarely set seeds. Actually, all other bonsai seeds are ordinary tree seeds that mature in the same way until the taproot is reduced and root development is checked.

The main objective of bonsai gardening is to control the development of the tree by cutting and pruning the roots once a year or more. Typical pruning of the branches and buds will even keep the size of the tree in check and maintain the small nature of the bonsai tree. Bonsai seed can also be obtained from the fruits that the bonsai tree will produce, but virtually all of them will expand as much as normal size trees.

Most of the bonsai seeds that are sold are all from their deciduous and coniferous trees. These make bonsai easy to expand and quick to retain. Most seeds labeled as bonsai seeds will even have some sort of instruction on how you can grow them into bonsai trees. Favorite types of bonsai seeds are often purchased by novices and beginners who choose to mature their own trees. However, not all newcomers have this idea and some buy saplings or seedlings that have grown large enough to be pruned down to bonsai trees.

Despite the misconception that some bonsai seeds will become bonsai plants when mature, only all those infected by the fungus will shrink more than normal. Other seeds labeled as bonsai only mean that they can be made or grown into bonsai plants through the practice of bonsai cultivation. Other reasons why the seed of a normal tree may be smaller than normal tree species is usually due to seed malformation and seed deformation or restricted root development.

You may want to buy tree seedlings and saplings rather than bonsai seeds because the seed can take a while to expand and not all will allow it to reach the seedling or sapling stage. Bonsai tree seeds will not produce bonsai plants when planted. It is extremely unusual for the fruits of bonsai plants to produce seeds that will mature into bonsai plants unless properly bred to be bonsai plants.

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