Infinite money

Successfully complete any mission and earn as little money as possible. Save the game, then repeat that mission again. Earn as much money as possible and create a save point immediately before escaping the level. Then escape the level and the mission review screens will appear showing your new account balance. Any additional money earned from playing the mission the second time will be added to your account balance. Then press B to go back to the first screen, then press Y to replay the mission. A message will appear warning you that your progress will be lost. Please ignore this message as your savings points and account balance will not be reset. When the mission starts again, load the save point created immediately before escaping the level. Escape the level and the extra money will be added back to your account balance. Repeat this process as many times as you want to get an unlimited amount of money.

Infinite saves in Normal and Expert mode

While saving during a mission on Normal or Expert difficulty settings, press Start before the “Save Complete” message appears and it will not count towards your save limit. Note: This will not damage your save game.

free information

Buy all the information when you start a mission. Write it down, then pause the game and choose to restart the mission. You will have your original starting money, and the information will now be available to purchase again even if you know what is in it.

alternative background

Successfully complete the game to toggle the main menu background.

newspaper headlines

After completing a mission, the newspaper headline will vary depending on how you did it. If you did it wrong, the newspaper will say so in the paragraph. If you shoot very little and use mostly melee, it will say that there is not enough information to make a classified description of you. If you completed the mission with great accuracy, it will indicate that you are a well-trained marksman. Try to complete missions differently to see different headlines.

License plates

Look at the license plates of the cars at different levels. In the mission “A New Life”, the license plate of all the cars says BADBLOD (Bad Blood). In the mission “A House Of Cards”, the license plate of the first limousine in the casino says “L1MONEY”, or something similar.

Alternate ending sequence

In the final level “Requiem”, Diana will give you the antidote to the death serum. You will fade in and out of life (energy bar rises and falls to the beat of Agent 47’s heartbeat) as the credits roll. If you do nothing, the game will end. However, if you press the left analog stick up and down (or any other button) repeatedly, you will come back to life and your mission will be to leave no witnesses.

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