Virtually everything we do, everything we are, shows up in our pelvis.

It is true that our head or specifically our brain is paramount to what we do. Yes, the brain makes the decisions that tell us what to do to take advantage of our environment, but what does it influence?

We act based on what we perceive and we perceive what is in our immediate environment. Our environment in particular are the people around us, that is, our colleagues, our parents, bosses. What makes them act the way they do when they perceive us? Well, they also act based on their environment. They act on our body language. Your body posture tells them how to act when they see you. Are you communicative, outgoing, sexy, upright? Unspoken language is often greater than oral communication.

Our posture and pelvis contain a lot of information about a person. The position of the pelvis (and therefore of the back) tells those who see us everything they want to know. The opposite sexes look at the lower back and pelvis for obvious reasons. This area of ​​the body gives viewers that first impression that they use to base how they socialize with you.

Your body is literally based on your pelvis. The pelvis supports the spine and upper body. Usually when one’s spine is optimal, so is the pelvis. It is also the other way around.

For years you have made internal adjustments to your muscles. so that you actually have the pelvis you wanted (whether you wanted the way it looks now or not, you got what you wanted). Realize this though, during your informational years, your youth, you made these muscle adjustments based on images of your parents. In many ways, they encouraged him to adjust his muscles to culminate in his structure and posture. They were showing you or telling you the right or wrong way to stand, sit, think, move. The pelvis is home to many muscles that provide balance and your core. It is also the foundation of the upper body. Much of who you are, how you interact with others, how you feel about yourself is inside your upper body. The upper part of your body is adjusted to your pelvis. Is it a good fit?

The big question is; Do you still want your pelvis in the current state it is in? If not, you can change it. It will be difficult for sure. There are 16 pairs of muscles in the pelvic region. They all work to some degree, even if the pelvis is crooked or misaligned. If you want to change the appearance of your pelvis to make it work better, to carry your body more smoothly and effectively, you can. With focus and your desire to change for the better, you can have a more flexible body and better spinal and pelvic alignment. Stretching and lengthening the spine, which includes the pelvis, is the key.

Anatomically, our thoughts cause an action that we want our bodies to perform. Our thoughts are sent through our nervous system to the lower back and then to the hand, foot, arm, neck, wherever we want to perform an action. The lower back is our “powerhouse.” Just below is our pelvis. So you can understand the importance of the pelvis and its immediate environment. The pelvis is the base on which the nerve center operates. When your pelvis is stable, in the correct position, and working well, your nervous system is likely to work well.

We all understand that we suffer stress in this world. Some of us more than others. Let’s consider the rich and how they deal with stress. Maybe we can learn from them. If I had a good amount of money, I would not show negative stress when it comes to paying rent. However, if you don’t have the necessary funds to pay rent, these stresses can add up. In both mind and body, you become nervous and unhappy. Your body suffers the pain of anxiety. You find little relief.

Anxiety exacerbates a person’s low self-esteem. The lower back and pelvic region shows our sense of worth. Most of us with weight or proportion problems store fat in this area. Our pelvis, under stress, adjusts incorrectly. We made our muscles in our pelvis adjust to benefit or protect us as we tried to overcome our daily problems. Most of us with pelvic and back problems had to deal with many problems. Currently, how does this weight gain or maladjusted pelvis affect us socially?

People can make a primary judgement, or as stated above, a first impression from others, looking at a person from behind. Why are they focusing on his lower back? We all do this because it is at the root of one’s appearance and one’s “street smarts.” The lower back region provides others with an immediate review of you. It is key to how one behaves. Are we upright, slim, graceful? Are we self-confident, well balanced, even well educated? The buttocks or pelvis is the main connecting structure between the legs and the upper body. It is an important area. When this region of the body is streamlined, when the junction of the legs and upper body with the pelvis is at the height of its apex, a person is considered attractive. A person who carries himself with a smooth union of his joints in the pelvic region is graceful and poised. They absolutely are attractive, even disregarding the face. One is fairly certain that the face has a pleasing appearance when the pelvis provides an adequate foundation for a streamlined spine. The head is balanced on this aligned spine, and the face is noble, attractive, and content. One moves with a certain appreciated grace and poise. One is unaffected by social difficulties and therefore in an uncomfortable way about them. People at higher levels of society shrug off encounters that might affect fewer individuals. The pelvis is the part of our body that shows off our street smarts and tells others that we are on top of our game.

On the other hand, when we walk unbalanced or have gained weight in the pelvic region, we are essentially telling others that we may not be at the top of our game. Basically we can be tried with some suspect. We are engaged. We submit more easily to the will of others. We are not prepared to lead in a social environment. The game of life is played to win by those with all their faculties engaged. A streamlined pelvic region is key to how well you play this social game. People without street smarts, who possess a healthy mind and body, are not going to achieve high status within this golden social framework. People with a crooked, large, or disproportionate pelvic region don’t have what it takes to play well with these savvy social leaders.

You don’t need to take my comments as gospel. but look at the leaders in your community, city, state, all governments. These leaders, I will say that 90% of them walk with some balance and poise. They are polite (in public, usually at all times) and have a pleasant appearance. Even if these well-off aren’t your friends, you can learn a lot from those outside of your peer group, those with more enviable traits.

Up to you. The time to change is now or soon.

True, one must consider his current environment, but there will be a time when he can find a period of solace in which he can change. At that time you can find a quiet environment to lengthen and stretch your back in silence, unnoticeable to naysayers. You can balance your head on your shoulders, loosen your jaw, release your neck, raise your shoulders slightly to let in more air. Breathe easily and gain self-confidence, grace and poise, and with a streamlined pelvis you will have the same wonderful appearance of those in more prestigious circles.

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