Air conditioners are indeed our savior in months when there is absolutely no respite from the heat. Now, air conditioners aren’t the innocent lambs you think they are! Air conditioners have many side effects on health and the environment. Most of the side effects are due to people not knowing how to use or maintain them in the first place. So what are the side effects? Let’s discuss them.

Five side effects of air conditioners on health:

According to Global News, these are the top five side effects of air conditioners on the human body:

  • Constant fatigue
    Research shows that people who work in air-conditioned environments can experience chronic headaches and fatigue, leaving them vulnerable to colds, flu, and other illnesses.
  • Dry Skin
    Air conditioning absorbs moisture from the environment, including your skin, if you spend many hours in an air-conditioned environment. If you are not taking care of your skin with the right moisturizers, your skin will soon start to feel dry.
  • Aggravates the effects of chronic diseases
    ACs are known to increase the symptoms of low blood pressure, arthritis, and neuritis. So if you are already suffering from a disease, an air-conditioned environment will only make you better and more vulnerable.
  • Inability to cope with the heat
    Suddenly going from a cool environment to a hot outdoor environment can actually induce stress. This will make you intolerant of heat or high temperatures during the summer.
  • Respiratory problems
    This is one of the common side effects of cold air conditioning. The effects of air conditioning on the lungs are fatal. Air conditioners are also known to circulate airborne diseases, such as Legionellosis, a life-threatening infectious disease that causes high fever and pneumonia.

There are many ways to avoid the side effects of air conditioners. Although we may not completely avoid it, we can definitely reduce these side effects by taking the necessary precautions. Some of the measures are mentioned below:

How to avoid the side effects of air conditioners

  • Restricted – ACs are not designed to run for hours on end. It is like having a hole in your wallet. As mentioned above, the air conditioner temperature should be one or two degrees below room temperature. So keep your air conditioner at 22-21 degrees max, let it run for two hours and then turn it off. The use of air conditioners has increased the release of HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) by 20-30 percent, delaying the recovery of the ozone layer by 25 years.
  • Clean AC filter Regularly – Dirty filters can allow allergens, pesticides, and other particles to enter your home, posing a threat to indoor air quality. Exposure to these pollutants can trigger a number of health problems, including allergies, asthma, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat.
  • Annual maintenance check – Most of the time, the dust in the room and the use of powders, etc., can clog the air conditioner. Obviously, this raises respiratory problems. Personally, I have woken up in the middle of the night sneezing like crazy! Therefore, having allergies during the summer can be made worse if your air conditioning is not maintained properly.
  • Adequate ventilation Allowing fresh air in can help reduce indoor pollutants. Cold air is heavy and dense and can make breathing difficult. Having ventilated spaces allows normal and better breathing. The air conditioner can be kept on for 2-3 hours and when not in use, be sure to open the windows for fresh air. The body adapts more to the fresh air outside than to the air in a heavily air-conditioned room.
  • Air filter Having air cleaning units can drastically reduce germs and pollutants that come from outside.
  • The power of water Drinking an adequate amount of water can help reduce the symptoms of dry and flaky skin. Personally, I wake up in the morning with itchy eyes. Even the sides of the nostrils and the bridge of the nose are prone to drying out. This is because air conditioning absorbs moisture from the skin. It is recommended to apply olive oil or a moisturizer. Also, having a professionally installed humidifier can help solve this problem.
  • Get out, breathe in fresh air Getting used to air conditioners makes outside temperatures seem even higher. We tend to eat high calorie foods when it is cold. The summer months are designed for a leaner diet. Air conditioning may lull you into a good night’s sleep, but it just leaves you lethargic. Nowadays even gyms are installed with 5-6 AC which completely defeats the purpose of sweating! Remember no sweat, no pain, no gain. Spending time outside allows the body to adjust to the temperatures and stay active.
  • Check your car’s air conditioning The hot air cooling process requires a lot of condensation and this can create a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. Researchers at the Louisiana State Medical Center found eight types of mold living inside 22 of the 25 cars tested. Air fresheners can mask odor, but mold still lingers.
  • Reduce overdependence in AC – The only way to deal with rising temperatures is to adapt to it. The summer months are meant to be hot. But our bodies have the power to adapt. Think about it, if farmers in the dry deserts of drought-stricken Rajasthan can live without fans, is it really hard to be left without air conditioning for just a few hours?
  • Move to a cold countryI’m kidding, but surely you could go on a long vacation to a comparatively cooler place that will not only give you a break from your hectic and boring daily life, but will also do wonders for your body and mind. Temperatures are just going to rise and we can’t go on hiding in air-conditioned rooms all our lives.

The side effects of air conditioners can be controlled by using them wisely. It’s crazy how far people go to not feel hot. Being overly dependent on something is never good for your health. I would suggest, embrace the heat and all the sweat that comes with it. Keep hydrated; Include plenty of yogurt, fruit and vegetable juices in your diet. There are easier ways to honestly calm down.

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