Nintendo Wii games, like all other disc-based games, are very prone to scratch damage if not cared for properly. Having corrupted several games, I decided to find out if it was possible to back up Nintendo Wii games using a video game backup software package. I went into my local electronics store but they didn’t help me, I decided the internet would be the best place to find such a thing.

Copying Nintendo Wii games turned out to be very simple if you have the right software. I was looking for software that could copy Xbox 360 games as well. I have an Xbox 360, my kids have a Nintendo Wii. The idea of ​​a multi-platform video game ripping software package seemed unlikely at first, but I didn’t do much searching on the internet and found just what I needed.

I was concerned about the laws on copying video games. As it turns out, if you own the original game, you are fully entitled in most jurisdictions to make a copy for backup purposes. So backing up your Wii game disc is perfectly legitimate, and not doing so is likely to cost you a lot of money in the long run, in my opinion. I know that in my house we damaged several games beyond repair.

If you want to copy Nintendo Wii or Xbox 360 games, you’ll need a PC that will allow you to do so. You’ll need a DVD burner, blank discs, and of course the right software that will override the manufacturer’s built-in protection. What the software does is create an image file of your game disc, which can then be burned to a blank disc using the DVD burner. The software I bought will copy Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, GameCube, PS2 and PS3 games. It would also copy PC based games.

I was amazed at how simple the procedure for backing up my Nintendo Wii games was, the software I used made the whole process very very simple, yet extremely effective. The software provides a step-by-step on-screen process that makes it very hard to go wrong.

What we now do at my house is backup and play video games as soon as we buy them. We then keep the originals for safekeeping. If the backup copy is damaged, we burn another one using the original disc. This means that an original Nintendo Wii disc is kept in perfect condition indefinitely. I would definitely recommend using this very affordable software for your game backups.

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