xvidcore.dll is a file used by the “Xvid video codec” to help your computer run a variety of advanced movie formats, giving your system the ability to play videos in extremely high quality. Although this file is regularly used by Winamp, Xvid Player and Windows Media Player, it continually causes a lot of trouble for your PC which will lead to errors. To fix the errors you’re seeing, you should look to fix the various issues that might be causing the problem in the first place, which is probably to do with Windows or some other problem that Windows has.

Typical errors caused by this file will be displayed in this format:

  • xvidcore.dll not found
  • xvidcore.dll is missing

The way to resolve these errors is quite simple. The first step you need to take is to reinstall the Xvid video codec on your PC. This will not only replace all the damaged files, but will also re-list many of the settings that may have been damaged or corrupted on your system. This can be done by clicking Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs and then clicking on the “Xvid Codec” list (or whatever video codec list you may have). Follow the instructions on the screen to uninstall, and then download a fresh copy of the program again.

After that, it is recommended that you perform a “registry scan” on your PC, using a registry cleaning tool. Registry scans focus on cleaning the “Registry Database,” a central storage facility for all the files and settings Windows uses to keep your desktop wallpaper and latest emails. The registry is a central location for all the settings your PC requires to run, allowing it to load all the files and settings it requires. The only problem is that it can quickly get corrupted and damaged, making your PC run much slower and buggy. To fix this problem, you should use a registry cleaning tool to fix the errors that Windows might have, which will not only speed up your PC, but will probably also fix the xvidcore.dll error that you have.

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