This week, I spent a couple of hours working on my CSA farm. I harvested two rows of fingerling potatoes before the thunderstorms started and the farmer, Mary LaFrance, kicked me out of the field. I am a member of the Lakeplain Prairie Organic Farm; the only certified organic CSA in Wayne County, Michigan. For those of you unfamiliar with CSA farms, they offer a subscription-based service for fresh, great-tasting, local, and organic foods. Subscribers to this service pay a seasonal rate and agree to work a specified number of hours over the course of the growing season.

As a CSA member, you develop a relationship with a local farmer, receive a weekly serving of freshly picked, great-tasting local food, and build friendships in your local community. She also develops a strong sense of satisfaction knowing where her food was grown, when it was harvested, and the distance she traveled to her plate.

At first glance, you might think that food retailers are in direct conflict with CSA Farms. It is true that if I get all my fruits, vegetables and flowers from my CSA membership, I no longer buy them at my local store. If that’s the case, why would my local grocer want to promote community supported agriculture? If you subscribe to the theory of economic abundance, there are enough resources for everyone. With a little cooperative support and creative marketing, food retailers and CSA Farms can foster economic abundance in their local community.

Cross-market with your local CSA

CSA Farms often supplements its profits by setting aside a portion of the farm for direct sales to local retailers. By taking advantage of these freshly picked locally grown organic products, these stores not only provide a better product to their customers, but also support local farmers. Don’t keep this locally grown product a secret:

  • Label your locally grown produce with the farmer’s name, location and photo, if available.
  • Invite local farmers to your store for a “Meet the Farmers” day.
  • Pass out recipes that promote seasonal produce and provide information about the farm where it was grown and harvested.

Letting your customers know that you support local farmers builds goodwill in the community and keeps dollars flowing to friends and neighbors. Produce that is not native to your growing region will also be in demand and should be supplied by your retail store. And remember, your local farmers need to shop too! Support them and they in turn will support your business.

Co-sponsor of educational events

Many CSA farms offer classes on canning, freezing, and preserving fruits and vegetables. Co-sponsoring a CSA educational event is a great way to show your support for the community while reminding residents that you can meet all of their shopping needs that are not available through your CSA. The strawberry preserves members are learning to make still require sugar, fruit pectin, and mason jars! Promoting the event with signage in your retail store further shows your support for the community and your local food network.

Kids: Your Next Generation of Local Food Consumers

My CSA Farm, Lakeplain Prairie, has a special garden just for kids. CSA member parents not only have the opportunity to complete their service requirement without interruption, but the children have the opportunity to learn about gardening. Two things kids love is playing in the dirt and being active. Allowing them to plant, care for, and harvest their own little garden accomplishes both. The underlying benefit for parents and food retailers is that they are learning. Children will experience a sense of pride and enjoyment in growing and growing their own fruits, vegetables, and flowers. They also tend to be more willing to try produce they grew on their own, leading to healthy eating and a lower risk of obesity. And remember, today’s small farmer is tomorrow’s busy consumer.

As a food retailer, supporting your local CSA farms makes good business sense. Cross-marketing, educational programs, and children’s involvement are ways to increase retail sales. Long-term benefits to your retail business will be achieved by fostering community goodwill, consumer food safety, and a strong local economy.

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