These days it’s easier to stay in touch with people as internet access has become more widespread and much easier than it was years ago. This also means that more spammers will try to go after us with inappropriate proposals, but they are easy to track down.

Just as you can easily find spammers, you can also find long-lost friends or loved ones. It is even possible to do this through Hotmail’s reverse email lookup.

Now you wonder if you can do this for free?? Actually you can. There are plenty of free services available, but most of them actually work more like email harvesters and the information they actually have on file may be out of date, so it’s not very useful to you.

It’s not hard to find and locate people, but you just need to know where to look for them. A reverse email directory collects all the details from many providers like AOL and free providers like Hotmail and Gmail or MSN and Yahoo. Some of the providers do not give you the search and find option, so finding a service provider that does would make your search much easier.

If someone is hard to find, because not everyone is listed in a free database, it might be time to call in professional database providers. These search providers will search all the databases for you and they will do a reverse Hotmail lookup and try to find the people you are looking for.

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