Looking for a good Starcraft 2 3v3 guide that you can use to start owning in Starcraft 2? I’m going to go over a couple of tips that can really help you, so let’s get started.

How a good 3v3 team works

Each game is unique, but there are definitely similarities that you can see when you look at the games that are being played. On the one hand, many of the players and teams work in sync, which means that they all work with a “general strategy”. Sure, each player can have their own short-term goal and tactic, but the strategy should be for the entire team. Know if you are going to rush player A, B, or C first, or if you are going to work together to lure their armies somewhere and then push them elsewhere. Just make sure that whatever strategy you choose, everyone is on the same page.

Two Rush, One Expand? Two expand, one hurry?

There are a few variations on this, but it’s great when you want to take the heat off one of you in the early stages of the game. You can even do this as a precautionary tactic by rushing your opponents before they can fight back. Even if their attack is unsuccessful, he probably should have at least sent a message warning them of his readiness to fight early. Also, if you can eliminate some of the foragers from one of your teams, you will reap the benefits by stopping your economy even slightly.

Watch videos to learn proper tactics

Teams of experts work together all the time and the best thing you can do is learn from them by watching their videos. Searching online or on a Starcraft forum will definitely give you a great flavor. What you should be looking for is building orders, how they attack together, what they do when attacked (copying their reaction is key), and just a general awareness that it will be great to try to adapt to them.

Using the best step-by-step strategy guide to learn how to master 3v3 battles

Here’s a great resource that has amazing videos and written strategies that you can check out right now, and it really outlines everything you need to know in a great in-depth Starcraft 2 3v3 guide.

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