Hello and welcome to my articles on the best Terran strategies in StarCraft 2! Do you want to reach the top spot in the Diamond League and become a skilled and competitive StarCraft 2 player? Then I invite you to read my Terran strategy guide!

Right now, Terran seems to be the strongest race. Not only is it easy to play, you also have a lot of options and possible tactics and strategies that other races lack; no wonder more and more players are choosing Terrans as their race of choice.

But here’s a warning: once you get into higher leagues, your opponents will be able to stop common cheese tactics and it’s skill, not race, that decides about winning or losing.

That is exactly the moment when you should neglect the build orders and focus on mastering the game itself. That is what I want to talk about in this article.

First of all, are you still producing SCV throughout the match or just at the beginning? You have to produce more of them even after your main base is saturated. The reason for this is that you will be claiming an expansion soon and need a new SCV pool right away.

When transitioning, he takes about half of his ore mining workers from his main base and sends them out. If only now he started getting more workers, he would need a lot more time to saturate both mineral lines.

Even then you should keep pumping them. Listen, it’s a necessary StarCraft 2 strategy to get more SCV than you can use right now. By doing so, your economy won’t suffer if your enemy pushes, kills dozens of SCVs, and tries to stop you from mining.

If you don’t have some extra workers now, your income will drop dramatically and you’ll have to wait until you get enough new SCVs to make up for those lost.

But be careful. There might be a time when you have too many SCVs and your supply count is maxed out. In this case, just send a dozen of your workers to the opposing army and let them kill them all. Once they die you can use the supply for tanks.

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