I received a phone call 9 months ago and practically ignored it.

I ignored it because I am not a very gambler.


Do not move.

Where I’m going with this is very important, so grab a Peach Snapple (I love Peach Snapples) and stick with me.
9 months ago I received a call from a good friend I met in college.

He said, “Mike, you have to start playing poker. It’s just amazing. You can play with us next week at Mark’s house or just go online and join a game. It’s a rush.”

I was so excited, but I had to say, “Thank you, but no thank you, I’m not interested.”

About 2 weeks later, I was browsing a channel and came across a poker tournament on TV.

Due to the “frenzy” EMOTION of my friends, I stopped and looked.

I wanted to SEE why he was so excited.

It was removed.

Like the Beatles a year ago.

Like ‘Cabbage Patch Kids’ (remember them?).

Follow me here because you are about to discover a prospect of success that will change your life and make you happy.

Poker has become a multi-billion dollar business and the newest phenomenon in the world.

I came home from the office yesterday, got my mail, and saw the latest issue of Inc. magazine.

Who was on the cover?

You’re right, the guy who started the poker craze.

Oh honey I was excited, this was going to be a great story to read.

And he was right.

Let me share with you 3 success secrets that Steve Lipscomb, the creator of the poker craze, has used to build a $ 300 million dollar business and jump-start a multi-billion dollar industry.

1) Do something you like: Why did Steve Lipscomb get into the poker business?
Because he started playing it, he LOVED it and saw a better way to “sell” poker. So simple, but so beautiful, right?

What do you like to do? What products or services have you purchased in the past that revolve around your passion and that you can improve and sell to other enthusiasts?

I always go through the same process with my coaching clients to help them discover their passion and show them how to make money from it. The steps are so simple and they always work, which is why I included them in ‘The Ultimate Lifestyle Workshop’.

2) Find a ‘blueprint’ that works and emulate it – After Steve decided to turn his passion for poker into a business, he looked for a business model that he could emulate, that he could learn from.

We can learn a lot from other businesses outside of our own.

Steve found the PGA golf course model and used it to build his $ 300 million dollar business. Amazing.

My income tripled when I found a business model that worked with the business I was building.

But here’s the funny thing, this model could probably work for you in 50 other types of businesses.

I’ve only revealed my business model once in public, it was at ‘The Ultimate Lifestyle Workshop’, and I think that’s a big reason why people love it.

3) Ignore the naysayers: Nobody believed in Steve Lipscomb. I know how that feels and it’s not too good. Cable companies, production companies, and even the people around him thought he was crazy.

They said, “No one would buy this,” but he believed in himself and his idea.

And that’s what YOU need to do.

Taking one step at a time, celebrating each victory, Steve Lipscomb has built a publicly traded company worth $ 300 million.

Pretty good for a guy with passion and an idea.

Are you ready to push yourself, believe in yourself, and go for what you want?

Talk to you soon.

Mike litman


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