If you are looking for the best way to lose belly fat, then you are reading the right article. The fat on the abdomen is often the most stubborn and difficult to lose, but with the right strategy, you will find that you can melt the fat and reveal a toned six pack abs in time for summer and the beach.

Without a doubt, the best way to lose belly fat is through a healthy and consistent nutrition plan. There are no quick fixes. Forget your fad ‘diets’ that claim you can lose pounds and pounds with very little effort. These types of diets don’t work in the long run, you can lose a lot of weight at first, but eventually, once the diet is over, you usually end up gaining even more weight! If you’ve ever been on one of these so-called “miracle” diets, then you know what I’m talking about.

Let me go over some of the key elements for a quality nutritional plan. Remember this is not a “diet”, it is a lifestyle; As soon as you realize that you really have to change, you are permanently eating clothes if you really want to lose fat and stay healthy, you will have overcome the first hurdle. Most people don’t even realize it and are therefore set to fail. The best way to lose belly fat is not the easiest, but it sure gives the ideal long-term results!

1. Make sure to increase your intake of lean protein.

Protein is essential for fat loss because it helps build, maintain, and repair muscle tissue; more lean muscle equates to a higher resting metabolism, which in turn promotes an optimal environment for burning fat. Increasing your protein intake is something you need to start doing on a consistent basis, when you do, you will find that it really helps you lose fat fast and plays a big role in how best to lose belly fat.

2. Throw out all highly processed foods and refined sugar snacks.

These types of foods have absolutely no nutritional value. Foods like sugary breakfast cereals, white bread, chips and sodas, cakes and sweets, all should be in the bottom of the container. Probably the worst culprits in the recent rise in obesity are sodas or sodas – each can contains a large amount of sugar and often 150 calories or more! If you just stopped drinking these you would notice significant results, drink water instead. If you are committed to the best way to lose belly fat, you should eliminate these types of foods and drinks.

3. Eat your vegetables!

Many people hate vegetables, but they are absolutely vital and should be included in your new dietary lifestyle. Broccoli, green beans, spinach, and asparagus are great veggies that fill you up without adding too many calories. Make sure you eat a lot of fruit, especially berries, which are rich in antioxidants and will not spike your insulin levels. Add a baked potato or baked sweet potato for a good source of complex carbohydrates.

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