I have five simple steps to guide you through the perfect one-handed backhand. After reading this article, you will be on your way to mastering this maneuver. If you’ve ever wanted to improve or perfect your one-handed backhand, follow these steps and you’ll be on your way. Try these tips at your next match …

1. Configure

Start in the ready position and always keep your eyes on the tennis ball. As it moves towards you and approaches your backhand side, turn the racket toward your favorite backhand grip.

The most popular one-handed grip is the eastern backhand. Not sure what this implies? Rotate the right counterclockwise on the handle to make a V with your forefinger and thumb. The V should be slightly to the left of the top of the grip.

If this sounds confusing, don’t worry – the backhand grip this is actually one of the most natural grips out there. An easy way to find your grip is to place the racket under your arm and grip the handle in the most natural way possible. Remember, keep your arm straight. Never let your wrist bend!

2. Focus

Keeping your feet light is key to the perfect one-handed backhand. Turn your feet to the left. This will ensure that your front shoulder is in front of the ball, ready for the backswing. Make sure your racket head stays up!

3. Backswing

Bend your arm slightly and place the racket back on your chest. Roll your shoulders and torso and swing back. Never take your eyes off the ball, even if it’s tempting to swing hard without looking!

4. Swing

Roll toward the ball, releasing the racket from the non-hitting hand. Shift your weight forward onto your front foot. Make sure you stay on your side when you touch the ball.

5. Comply

Keeping your elbow straight and your racket up, continue. Try to keep your balance even after you have returned the ball. Your momentum will allow you to return to the ready position with ease.

A one-handed backhand is a great defensive maneuver and is also useful when you need to attack.

Some people have a hard time learning the one-handed backswing, especially over time. Players often make too big of a backswing, wasting their time. The next time you play, imagine that you are standing in front of a large brick wall. Extend your racket too far back and you will hit the wall.

These five steps are simple enough to follow and will greatly improve your one-handed backswing.

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