Hi, in this article, I’ll show you how to consciously eat 1,400 calories without literally having to count calories.

There are two clear methods to maximize fat loss. Either you burn more of the food you eat through exercise or you decrease the amount of food you eat. Let’s save the first for a later discussion and deal with the second.

What most of us mistake calorie restriction is a severe diet. We go below the 1200 calorie limits by adopting fast diets and skipping meals. This inadvertently triggers “starvation mode.” In starvation mode, your body realizes that there is an impending crisis. The amount of food he is being fed has been reduced and he presumes that it will continue.

So instead of burning fat stores for energy in the absence of food at the present moment, A CRASH DIET does the opposite. It attaches itself to every fat molecule that you can find in every corner of your body. It begins to burn muscle mass to provide energy.

The bottom line: not eating will get you nowhere. At most, you will lose all the water weight. You would like a healthy caloric reduction, 400-500 calories less than what you normally consume.

The next thing to pay attention to if you want to maximize fat loss are meal times. It includes eating at the right time every day and eating the right amount of meals. AROUND 6-7 IS THE BEST WAY. Eating at the same time every day is essential because it puts the body in a proper cycle and makes it easier to process everything consistently. Don’t eat after hours.

If you think three big meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) are enough, you’re wrong. However, there is no doubt that they are absolutely necessary; you should not omit any of them.

By eating just three large meals, you slow down your body’s metabolism. It is a better option to divide your total calorie intake over 6-7 meals. By doing so, the fat burning mechanism works constantly. However, it is 6-7 smaller meals, not 6-7 large meals. Each of these meals should have around 200-250 calories.

Now, coming to what you should and should not eat, you should eat everything in moderation. Carbohydrates are not that bad as long as they are not the simple ones. The sugar found in cookies and candy is the plain kind. The body breaks it down in minutes and offers an immediate energy boost. He uses it at the same speed. When someone passes out, you put sugar or candy in their mouth, right?

If you accumulate sugar when your body doesn’t need it, it will build up and add to your already overabundant fat stores. You should eat complex carbohydrates as it takes your body more time to digest them.

Avoid simple carbohydrates like white bread, white pasta, white rice, chocolates, potatoes, cocoa balls, and French fries. Also, cut back on your carbohydrate intake for dinner as it is not used and stored. All carbohydrates should be eaten before 2 PM to allow enough time to digest and consume them.

Like carbohydrates, there are good and bad fats. Unsaturated fats are the healthy variety and are found in high amounts in avocados, walnuts, olive oil, coconut oil, canola oil, and grapeseed oil.

You can also eat seafood in moderate amounts as they contain omega-3 fatty acids, a healthy variety of fats. You should stay away from saturated fats and trans fats as they increase fat deposits. They are also unhealthy as they increase bad cholesterol in the body.

A weight loss diet is incomplete without protein. In fact, you will have to double the amount you eat. There are several reasons for this. Proteins, like fibers, take a long time to digest and make you feel fuller for longer. Protein builds more muscle tissue and more muscle tissue consumes more energy. Protein in your diet also builds the stamina and energy you need to overcome tough and rigorous exercise routines. It helps the body to recover after a workout and therefore to get back to exercising the next day.

Do your best to avoid fast foods, as they are poor in nutrition but high in calories. Most of them contain empty calories.

So from now on you consume around 1400 calories per day, choose 6-7 small meals of 200 calories each. To help you build your daily diet plan, use this calculator as it is an amazing free tool. http://www.calorieking.com. Try to combine fresh vegetables with a protein source at every meal.

Don’t forget to share this article on foods to lose fat with your friends through social media.

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