Every day in US schools, children are taught that copying the work of others is “wrong.” It is a “punishable” crime.

US law also protects against unauthorized copying of trade secrets, copyrighted works, audio and video productions, and a host of other types of products. These are also “punishable” crimes.

However, if you want to become a successful business with a competitive advantage that leads your competition, there are times when it makes sense to “copy” the leadership of others who have found the secret formula for success. Here are 3 ways to follow others to success:

1. Keep a “slip on” file of advertisements, sales letters, brochures, and other marketing materials to use as a guide when producing your own. Focus on companies with similar target markets that are not your competitors,

The most successful copywriters follow the lead of others in this way. The idea is not to “steal” word for word the work of others, but to use it as a guide to generate your own materials.

In the age of social media, it’s also good to notice what’s creating the “buzz” in conversations. Look for trends in TV shows, YouTube videos, and especially viral marketing that get consumer response. Remember, however, that these successful campaigns can fade quickly and it can be difficult to duplicate a viral hit that “has been there, done that.”

2. Look for a proven business formula to follow.

Why reinvent the wheel when there is a proven model to follow? Many successful businesses started following the example of another business and improved the formula. Look for ways to improve the business model, such as better customer service, more relevant marketing, or higher customer value.

If you are going to grow into a successful business with a competitive advantage that leads your competition, it makes sense to study the best practices of successful companies and adapt them to your business as it grows. Using proven models reduces risk and enables a business to accelerate its growth.

3. Copy your industry standards while creating your own unique brand.

Industries have their own styles, as well as their own language and terminology patterns. Use them to be seen as an “insider” who knows what is going on.

But develop your own unique and distinctive brand features to be remembered. You do not want to go unnoticed because you cannot differentiate yourself from the rest. This is a good time to copy from other industries. Look for branding strategies and tactics that you think would be suitable for your industry. Since you are not competing with the companies you are copying because you are in a different industry, you can also get some valuable advice from them.

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