It is a well known fact that most bodybuilders suffer from the same pectoral deficiency. They start training in a home gym on a flat bench. The first 2-3 years of your training are generally spent training your chest using the flat bench press. As a result, these new bodybuilders develop thick lower and middle breasts that appear shallow and flat in the upper area. Only when they enter a gym do they manage to discover the incline press, assess their physique and admit a weakness, and work to improve it through the selection of exercises.

There are many articles on the importance of training your upper pecs more for a fuller upper chest. However, most tend to neglect the second most common chest weakness: the lack of ties between the shoulders and the pecs. Open any muscle magazine and you will most likely see two things. First, you will see something, somewhere, about upper chest training. Second, you will always see an article on how to train your shoulders. However, despite the fact that this part of the body is prominently displayed in every front bodybuilding pose, you probably won’t see anything about pectoral-deltoid junction area training. Up to now! The pec-delt junction area is most effectively trained by the following movements.

Dumbbell flyes

They are ugly, heavy, but they get the job done. This move is the most productive for adding thickness to the outer chest. Start your workout with them if you want to challenge your outer pecs when you’re cooler and stronger. Don’t be afraid to train to failure and drop this average weight safely when you hit failure. The weight used should be much less than what you use for dumbbell presses. Work in the 6-12 rep range.

Cable crossovers

These can be done with the handles positioned overhead, at waist level, or down close to the floor. They work the tie differently at each angle. Most coaches agree that the lowest position is the best to focus on in this area. Work in the range of 10 to 18 repetitions.

Pec-Deck Machine

If you’re having trouble “feeling” your outer pectoral muscles during your workout, it might be time to give the pec machine a try. It’s a bit elemental and limits your range of motion. However, it controls movement along a predetermined path, which can improve your control over angles when using free weights or cables. Work in the range of 10 to 18 repetitions.

Extreme stretching and more

At the end of your workout, it is very important to grab a pole or piece of machinery and really stretch your pecs to the limit. Avoid the jarring stretch, which includes the famous “palm curl,” which can be very dangerous and cause tears. Grab a pole or machine and “pull” slowly, making your movement slow and deliberate for several minutes. Deep tissue massage of the outer pectoral area may also be a good idea. The lactic acid is broken down and the area can perform better in future weight training sessions.

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