What is globalization? Different people from different walks of life have different concepts about globalization. Some see it as the movement of people, languages, ideas, and products around the world (IMF, 2002). Others see it as the domination of multinational corporations and the destruction of cultural identities. Some of these people feel that globalization is a beneficial process (IMF, 2002), while others view it with suspense and hatred. Whatever your thoughts, globalization is nothing new, be it the use of the ‘silk road’ to market products (Jing, 2004) or the spread of paper across the world; It has been here for centuries.

The only thing that has changed is the speed with which it is being produced. The results and effects of modern globalization have become more visible than ever and, like anything else, globalization too comes in a package of good and bad things. The earth is no longer what it was. The direct and indirect effects of globalization have had far-reaching results and very few things have been left untouched. However, in a broad sense, the most noticeable and most affected forms of globalization have been the technological revolution, the modification of food and eating habits, and urbanization. In other words, the world is globalizing and the result is a much faster, fatter and more fashionable earth.

Technological revolution

One of the biggest offshoots of globalization has been the technological revolution. The globalization of technology can be considered as the greatest benefit or the greatest threat to humanity, depending on how the world uses it in the coming years. Although the matter is sensitive, the widespread use of technology has put us in a place where very few would want to return. Computers, televisions, automobiles, electricity, refrigerators, bottle openers, telephones, pilot pens, credit cards, etc. have added so much luxury and value to a person’s life. The advent of the Internet has brought people closer to each other. Information now travels at the speed of a click and along with it millions of ideas and innovations. Modern technology has had hugely dramatic and drastic impacts on every field.

As a Northeast Regional Forum researcher aptly points out the impact of technology on education by stating, “Technology will not solve the problems associated with schooling, but at the same time, the problems that affect our education system are not solved.” “. is going to be remedied without the presence of technology” (USDE, 2003).

Not surprisingly, however, the innovation of new technologies has resulted in substitution and dematerialization. For example, the demand for copper cables in telecommunications in the 1990s fell to half what it was in 1979, as it fell prey to other advanced technologies (Black, 1992). Technology is said to make the world a smaller and better place. But this is only half the truth. Technology has also made the world a feared place. The fear of nuclear disasters, the substitution of employees by machines, the growing gap between rich and poor, addiction and dependence on machines, sedentary lifestyles, genetic feeding, etc., are negative effects of technology. modern.

Altered food and eating habits

The earth is getting fatter. Today’s food and eating habits are causing serious health and obesity problems. Food has undoubtedly become more delicious and many more varieties of food are available in the market due to globalization. But the fact is that the food sold in the market may not be healthy. In today’s world, much of the food we eat is genetically modified or sprayed with pesticides. Kathleen McAfee, ‘Genetically Modified Morals’ (McAfee, 2003) does not appear to be surprised by the decline in US GM food aid to South African countries. She argues that modified crops are designed to deal with pest problems and not for food production.

On the other hand, the world is witnessing a phenomenon of total globalization known as ‘the McDonaldization of Society’ according to socialists like George Ritzer.

Ritzer defines McDonaldization as a process in which fast-food restaurant principles are coming to dominate society (Ritzer, reprint, 1993:1). Today’s world has seen a growing dominance of delicatessens and fast foods. People everywhere flock to food courts thinking they have been able to save time and money. But fast foods are under attack for selling unhealthy food and enticing people to overeat for profit. Such low nutrient intake of processed foods has led to a widespread epidemic of obesity and related health problems. If we continue this trend of McDonaldization, we could end up in serious danger by putting our own bodies at risk.

Globalization leads to urbanization

Global change has led to radical urbanization and the effects of urbanization have led to the process of unification of the world at an alarming rate, transporting fashion, music, products and cultural trends to all corners of the globe. For example, the ‘fashion gap’ between countries like the US and Asian countries is not very wide compared to a few years ago. Now you can buy the latest products, watch the latest movies or listen to the latest songs, whether you are in Nepal or in the United States. Lifestyles have changed but have become almost the same everywhere, as designer and strategist David Gensler says: “It’s all about information and speed. Trends are global. Consumption patterns are global” (Sharett, 2004 ).

But in all of this, cultures are being lost to modernization, lifestyles are becoming monotonous and sedentary, and social values ​​are being torn apart by globalization. Backed by trends and influential power, Western ideals falsely establish themselves as universal and override local traditions and cultures. Products and ideas are being misused without knowing their consequences. These consequences and effects of urbanization have raised several serious questions about the future of humanity.

While one can try to weigh the pros and cons of globalization, the whole issue of globalization is very complex. This makes it impossible to judge and categorize globalization at least for the time being. Globalization has caused the world to change and some of these changes have been good, while others have not. Globalization itself is inevitable and people will always have different opinions about it due to its diversity. Underestimating it and not taking adequate measures to curb ‘unwanted globalization’ could be disastrous. Therefore, it is possible to speak of globalization, not as a blessing or a curse, but as a necessity of humanity for the integral world development. Globalization, therefore, can be added, must be handled with care.

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