It was easy for Adam and Eve. Searching for a marriage partner is quite a difficult proposition nowadays. Normally, this process happens only once in a lifetime, so no one has experience dealing with the nuances of going through the process of finding a marriage partner. Parents and elders help.

The professional matchmaker

The matchmaker used to be the only point of contact when it came to finding a match, as it was a database of eligible walking and talking boys and girls. They will come uninvited to your home while checking on all possible boys and girls coming of age. They occupy a position of trust as they need to maintain their custom if they want to survive in their profession. Any information that passes between the two parties to a marriage goes through the matchmaker and the matchmaker will look into the details as well. There is a downside to this arrangement. The matchmaker benefits only if an alliance is made. There is pressure on the matchmaker to see that the parties agree with each other and he uses her influence to see that the alliance takes place. Every community has its professional matchmaker. This gives the matchmaker the option to focus on a particular community.

The Classified Section in Newspapers and Marriage Centers

Over the years, with the advancement of science and technology, people in a community no longer stayed in one place, but began to spread out. This made it difficult for the professional matchmaker to serve the extended community. His only way of keeping in touch with families in the great country was through families back home. People soon felt this drawback about the professional matchmaker. To make up for the gap in geographic coverage, people soon began using national newspapers to place ads in the classified sections of newspapers looking for brides and grooms. This way of looking for an alliance depended on the premise that all the families looking for a partner would be seriously looking at the classified ads and would contact the advertisers. What followed was a phone conversation and a visit to each other’s homes by the elders of the future boyfriends or girlfriends. It may culminate in a meeting of the bride and groom before the marriage takes place to check personal tastes and inclinations. A set of marriage centers also emerged that would maintain a database of potential brides or grooms and provide parties seeking a match with a set of names and addresses of other potential candidates for them to contact and negotiate with. The newspaper ad and the marriage centers have one aspect in common, and that is that they benefit from just providing the information and do not benefit from an alliance, which leads people to have faith in these two service providers.

marriage websites

With the advent of the Internet, he soon realized that the database of eligible brides and grooms could be easily opened up to matchmakers. was one of the first matrimonial websites to make its debut in India in 1996, which was later known as was the next matrimonial site that started operations in 1997. Indians started to take advantage of technology and as matrimonial websites evolved we got more players in this game. Today, matrimonial websites not only provide the marriage database to the match-seekers but also provide other facilities such as validation of persons, functionalities to chat online between two interested parties and communicate via email. and phone, in addition to providing the basic functionality of the ability to find boyfriends and girlfriends based on many parameters and attributes that update all registered parties. The lucrative model of the service is entirely based on charging fees to registered users through the provision of value-added services such as assisted marriage, the possibility of chatting and contacting by phone or email, etc. The websites present a community-based front-end to the users that meets the cultural requirements of the users as practiced by professional matchmakers. The only drawback of these websites is that the information about the registered users is not fully vetted through the websites that provide validation services.

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