Give up your girl without a fight? No way. You may be able to use reverse psychology to get your girlfriend back. Reverse psychology is a technique in which you say or do the opposite of what you really believe or mean, so that your girlfriend does what you want her to do, while allowing her to think that she is doing what she wants, instead of whatever you want.

Reverse psychology is a deceptive form of manipulation. If you do it right, reverse psychology can win your ex girlfriend back.

Can I get my girlfriend back by agreeing with her?

It may be too late to try this method, because it works best around the time your girlfriend says she’s been thinking that you need some time apart, time away from each other.

As much as it hurts, you could tell that you were “…thinking the same thing.” Say that you need space, and that it would be better for you to separate. That way you agree with her, and she feels like she’s missing something. She loses all power in this scenario, because you’re just nodding and smiling and agreeing with her.

Can I get my girlfriend back by playing hard to get?

Another form of reverse psychology is playing hard to get. Not be available. Act like you don’t care, like you’re not interested in her. Saying you don’t care is probably the most common form of reverse psychology in relationships. People always want what they can’t have. If she starts to think that she couldn’t have you even if she wanted you, it might make her want you even more.

Can I get my girlfriend back by forcing her to defend me?

You could get someone you trust, who knows her, to say bad and untrue things about you, so she feels compelled to defend you. It might make her think, “You know, he wasn’t that bad.” He will make her think about your good points.

Can I get my girlfriend back by walking away from the engagement?

If she has shown signs of being commitment phobic, then the reverse psychology approach would be to never talk about commitment. Talking about commitment will only scare her. If you’re making noise about moving in together, her future, getting married, her kids, then you’re moving too fast for her. If you’re in a situation where that’s what scared her, you want to make sure you don’t do it again. Let her think that you are moving at the same pace as her. As she gets to know you better, you can let her start thinking and talking about the commitment before you do.

Can I get my girlfriend back if she likes her new boyfriend?

If she has a new boyfriend, reverse psychology would have you say genuinely nice things about her new guy. Convince her that you’re happy for her, no matter how much it hurts inside of her. This will make you seem like a stronger person, perhaps stronger than you really are. You’ll make her believe that you only want the best for her, which, if you’re in love with her, you will.

Can I get my girlfriend back if I’m not available?

If he needs you for something, don’t be available the first time. For example, if he calls you because he needs something back, don’t call him back right away. In fact, keep busy. Find something more important to do than think about her. Something for you.

This will have the effect of making you seem more desirable, because she can see you as a whole without her. You want to define yourself as complete without her, so she can see the real you.

Find a role model, if necessary. Strive to become like that person. It doesn’t have to be another real, live guy. It could be a fictional character from a book, movie or TV show, someone you have a lot of respect for, who always gets the girl. Even though you don’t want to be “available,” you don’t want to hang out with someone else just yet if you’re still interested in getting back together.

Moving on to someone else will only make it harder and cause you to hurt your new girl when you get your old one back. There’s no reason not to be honest or use another girl to get back the one you had. That would be bad.

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