Like so many women, I also worry about my weight. And while I maintain a pretty consistent weight, it fluctuates up and down by around 10 pounds of fat weight. When I notice that my clothes are tighter on me, I know it’s time to do something. I know I need to lose body fat fast.

The only problem is that there is no easy way to do it. As much as I’d love to pop a magic pill or drink some super secret formula, there’s only one way to lose body fat fast. To achieve fat loss, the same calculation that has been around for years still applies today and that is that you have to burn 3,500 calories to lose one pound of body fat.

Well, I have to say that I don’t enjoy the work ahead of me when it’s time to lose weight, but I do love the results of hard work, I feel great about the accomplishment when I reach my goal, and I admit that the compliments are flattering. Here are the steps that I have found to work best for losing body fat fast:

First of all, it starts with food intake. Basically, it’s all about calories. The type of food you eat can make a difference, but the most important factor is to start limiting calories. My changes involve smaller portions, nutrient-dense, healthier, lower-fat foods, and fewer snacks. Now that I’m a chocoholic, I haven’t been able to give up bite-sized chocolate bars. But I have to make a concentrated effort not to eat so many. If only I had been born without the love for this tasty delicacy.

The second step to losing body fat fast is to increase the intensity level of your cardiovascular exercises. Yes, it’s work and it requires a bit of effort. But the positive benefits that come as a result of the increased level of intensity make the effort well worth it. Did you know that if you ran at a pace of 5.0 mph on a treadmill, you could burn almost the same amount of calories in half the time it would take if you were walking at a pace of 3.0 mph? Plus, you still burn calories at a higher rate after you exercise when you work at a higher intensity compared to a lower one. Oh, and unless you have a couple hours in the morning, don’t go anywhere near fat burning mode on any cardio equipment. That program sets us up for failure every time because most people don’t realize how long it takes to exercise in that mode to be effective and get real results.

The third step to losing body fat fast is to lift weights as part of your exercise regimen. Weight lifting itself does not burn many calories. However, when you have more muscle on your body, your resting metabolism goes up. More energy is required to perform normal bodily functions for lean body weight (muscle) compared to fat body weight. And when you’re using more energy, you’re burning more calories. So this way, lean body weight burns calories and, we have to admit, looks a lot better on us.

For women, there is a fear that lifting weights will cause extreme muscle growth. That is actually a myth. Genetically, we just can’t grow that big. Therefore, lifting a heavier weight will only make you look better and still burn the extra calories needed to operate your machine (the body). If you want to increase your calorie burn on top of your normal workouts, consider putting these items into practice: Park your car further away from the store entrance. Avoid automation and perform functions manually such as opening the door of the building you are entering, climbing stairs or getting up and changing the television channel. (What did we do before remote control??)

Incorporating these changes into my life has returned me to my comfortable lean body weight in a matter of a few weeks. This is the best way to lose body fat fast because it is a healthy and natural way to lose weight. Not to mention, by making these actions a habit, I’m able to maintain the weight loss and stay at a fairly constant weight, except for the occasional slip up…then it’s back to the grindstone. But to lose body fat fast, there is no other way.

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