What if, in the not-too-remote future, Earth’s resources were about to run out? In a world like this, existence becomes a daily struggle and humanity would give up their role of explorer to become caretakers. No more engineers are needed, but farmers, as food is running out. Even NASA has to exist in secret, as public opinion would not tolerate the costs of space travel. This time, our planet is not destined to be saved, it is destined to be abandoned. Cooper, now a farmer who was once a NASA engineer and pilot, is chosen by a group of NASA scientists to lead an interstellar expedition outside our galaxy in order to find another planet suitable to host human life. If the plan is successful, the people on Earth will be moved to their new home. If any trouble occurs, plan B is to repopulate the new world to allow the human species to continue to exist, leaving the population of Earth to their fate.

Director Christopher Nolan does another impressive job, tackling the sci-fi genre in a truly original way. He renews his constant vocation for ambitious projects, and even this time, he does not disappoint us. Like his main character Cooper, one world seems not to be enough for Nolan, so here he goes, guiding us to the stars, imagining a world where to travel through time and space and reach Saturn or explore new planets outside of our Solar System is nothing. more of a dream, but a possibility.

The special effects are also remarkable. How was it for StartEven here the earth bends and bends: space, like time, becomes relative. And since time runs faster on Earth than in space, for Cooper the mission, after some unexpected twists and turns that cause the crew to lose decades on Earth, soon becomes a condemnation of probably never seeing him again. their children. In addition, the group of scientists discovers the strong lack of hospitality of space lands for human life. Wandering blindly in an unknown and still mysterious Space, whose laws are alien to humanity, love becomes the quantifiable bridge that leads to a solution, the God who transcends time and space and moves the stars.

Interstellar it’s a movie that will stick with you for days. It is a movie to watch for the beauty and melancholy of the Universe portrayed by Nolan, for the awe of interstellar travel come true. The music also deserves an important credit, being the perfect commentary for each scene. The extraordinary and final turning point in history leaves us in awe. Nolan chooses sci-fi drama, laws of physics, and theories about the fascinating but unsolved mysteries of the Universe, leaving us dreaming of the possibility that humanity will one day understand them, and he combines everything with his unique direction. What you got is a powerful, impressive, and memorable movie. Look to believe.

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