When the winter chill finally sets in and the temperatures begin to rise, it becomes all the more necessary to get outside and enjoy your backyard and the fire pit. Although it is quite fun to use this area as a family, it is important to use safe practices to protect everyone from danger, especially your dog. There are several steps you can take to prevent your dog from getting hurt.

If you’re like many dog ​​owners, you probably want to have your pet with you as often as possible. There are many tether kits out there that will allow your friend to stay close, but at a safe distance from the fire to avoid getting hurt. Depending on where you attach the chain, the dog may wrap the line around the legs of their seats or chairs. While this is another thing you should be tired of, it is possible to adjust the leash area so your dog doesn’t injure or interrupt you or your guests.

Pet care supplies have come a long way, and in turn, liquid barrier treatments have come a long way as well. By using a bitter apple or pepper spray around the outdoor fireplace, you will be able to teach your dog that an area is off limits. Anytime the dog approaches the area you don’t want him to approach, be sure to use a firm voice when telling him to back off. The dog will slowly associate the scent, as well as the area, and will not be welcome near it.

Finally, there are many fencing options available to put around an outdoor fire pit or fireplace. This will allow your dog to stay close to you and your family or guests, but keep them safe from fire hazards. Make sure you measure the area correctly and get the necessary equipment and tools if you don’t buy a kit.

There are many options available to you when you have a dog and a campfire. You have to find the best solution for your specific needs, but whichever option you choose will certainly help keep your dog safe. As a result, everyone will be able to enjoy the campfire even more if all these precautions are taken.

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