Sometimes your inner Astral Self tries to warn you that something is wrong. Your Astral Self is like the “Guardian of your Destiny”. We all come into the world equipped with two things: a destiny and a destiny. There is a difference between the two, and it is important that you know the difference.

If it’s fate, you can’t fight it; will follow you; Some things were meant to be As Paul Coelho has said, “I can control my destination, but not my destination. Destination means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but the destination is a one-way street. I think we all have a choice of fulfill our destiny, but our destiny is sealed. “

If Destiny is after you, there is nothing you can do to shake it up. No amount of resistance is strong enough to stop the tidal wave. It’s like being caught in a universal rip tide. You can swim against it, struggling to free yourself from its magnetic pull, but the more you swim, the more you will be drawn to. These emotional swells are the hand of Destiny. I wish someone had explained the difference to me long ago. It would have saved me, and many others in my life, from the chaos and pain that comes when we swim against Destiny. If I listen to my heart, it will always guide me in the right direction. You see, your heart knows its Destiny, it is encoded with it upon arrival on planet Earth. If you listen to his ancient wisdom, he will know which way to go.

A strong indication that I have headed in the wrong direction is when I feel the need to rescue; when I can’t see how they could do it without my help, and it’s all up to me. It is at that very moment that I need to let go. They need to swim out of my karmic stream in order to reach safer shores. When the urge to do what I always do (which is rescue) hits, I need to remember do the exact opposite. Why I keep “rescuing” has to do with my own karma, which is complicated, because my karma, or what was given to me in life, is my destiny. My destiny was to be born to a mentally ill, abusive, and dysfunctional father. My destiny was to experience severe depression. My destiny was to get divorced because it was my destiny to be a lesbian by birth. My destiny was to give birth to a teenage girl who would take her own life due to the depression she inherited. And it was my destiny to write a book about that trip. The severity of fate can take our breath away. Fate is the myriad circumstances, both heavy and wonderful, that have presented themselves to me in this life. They came to me instead of finding me, which is what makes it seem so unfair. I didn’t ask for this … how many times have I said that? But in truth, I always had the option to choose how I responded to these karmic axes. I could outlive them and make the most of them, or I could become bitter and bitter, saying that life brought me a losing hand of cards. The Guardian of Your Destiny, that cosmically wise heart that has seen you through the darkest hours, is still in command. And if you want to change your destiny, you still can.

Our most precious quality is our willingness to keep our hearts unreasonably open. When it would be easier to toughen up, pull away, or throw an insult, it is the practice of compassion that can help us manage the impossible. Sometimes the most compassionate response is to not respond at all, because the truth always comes to the surface. Be open, humble, and available. That is all you need to do. Let Infinite Love do some work on the hearts around you and get out of the way. Then you will see the wonderful hand of Providence extending its redemption and grace, and you could never do better than that. The key to avoiding disaster is always found in a compassionate response. But how do we find the strength to keep our hearts open while they hurt us or beg us to fight back? We need to listen to the Guardian of Destiny within; she has been trying to tell us something the whole time.

The Guardian of your Destiny is your inner astral self. That means you have this compass inside you, who knows where you should go, who you will meet, who you will love, who will break your heart and who will hold it with tenderness and care; and your heart conveys these subtle but persistent messages to you. But when destiny arrives and presents itself, we can mistakenly assume that it is “meant to be.” We confuse destiny with destiny and we welcome it with open arms. The irony is: what Destiny (“destined to be”) appears to us may actually be destiny, a circumstance presented to test us, whatI have control over. The circumstances that are repeated in our lives (the themes of our life) try to show us in bright colors what we have learned and what we still have to learn. Fate will bring dance into your life over and over again, stirring the subject of your life right under your nose. The theme of your life is what I call the lesson of the soul. Some of us have figured out what our soul lesson is, but even those of us who have figured it out still struggle to make the right decisions. It is because destiny and destiny can look so much alike that they deceive us and consequently deceive us.

The events that are truly beyond your conscious control are Fate, and soulmates that were “prearranged” to meet you are Fate. This is not the same as destiny, that which you can change. Fate is like the iceberg that you are going to hitregardless of where the ship is heading. The ship’s steering is gone; the ship’s rudder is turning and when you hit it, it’s safe – you’re definitely going to sink. Life goes on like a charm and suddenly you are thrown into the ocean. You have just entered dangerous waters that are high above your head. The Guardian of Your Destiny is the captain in these situations, holding the map of your life in its skilled and safe hands.

Joseph Campbell equates the Guardian of your Destiny with the archetype of the Old Witch; a supernatural and omniscient fairy godmother, and a protective figure:

“The son of fate has to face a long period of darkness. This is a time of extreme danger, handicap, or shame. He is thrown inward into his own depths or out into the unknown; either way, what he touches is an unexplored darkness. And this is an area of ​​unsuspected presences, both benign and evil. ”

Fate will surely leave us in darkness, just as it will bring us light: “What touches is unexplored darkness.” The periods of The Dark Night of the Soul (Saint John of the Cross), of confusion and then collapsing castles, are often hand in hand with Destiny. Destiny arrives with a wrecking ball; or she gently and mercifully erases our plans and agendas. Either way, what you planned will be crushed and offered to the wind.

That’s when your life has a chance to become a sweet sacrifice; you have the opportunity to become a person you could never have been without Destiny’s helping hand. And after she’s gone, you’ll remember what you had planned and say in amazement, “What was I thinking? What I got was so much better.” But as you go through the process of Dark Night of the Soul, it will seem like chaos, or at least a restructuring of what you thought it was “supposed” to be. Darkness is never comfortable yet, Destiny will persistently and stubbornly guide you toward what you think will end you. But as they say, it doesn’t end until the fat lady sings.

At the end of your journey, the fat lady will be there to welcome you to the Other Side with open, if flabby arms. She will sing with such enthusiasm that you will be forced to smile or laugh out loud. She will be laughing with now (instead of you), because he discovered in the struggle to survive that he could not only swim, but was tougher than any shark and developed night vision. Yes, you floated in the murky, dark waters more times than you thought possible. Yes, it was terrifying … but the journey was also more impressive, beautiful, more fascinating, and far more dramatic than any script you could have imagined writing. The best part, about what the fat woman sings, is your happy ending. There is one written for each of us by the Guardian of Our Destiny. She is still standing tall to light the way, and although many people will, she will never let you down. When you wonder if you are going in the right direction, fear not: remember, you are the Daughter (or Son) of Destiny and she will see you safely at Home.

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