Cost Range for Jawline Contouring Procedures

Jawline contouring is an ideal procedure for women who want a slimmer jawline or chin. This cosmetic treatment can also be used to treat the appearance of a protruding chin or chin jowls. The goal is to create a slimmer, more feminine face that’s well balanced with the rest of the facial features. During this procedure, a local anesthetic is typically injected to ensure your comfort throughout the process. You may experience some swelling or bruising after the procedure, but these symptoms should dissipate quickly with proper aftercare.

The cost of jaw slimming procedures depends on several factors. The surgeon’s expertise and reputation, the extent of the work being performed, and the type of procedure will all impact how much your surgery will cost. Surgical options, like jaw reduction or chin implant surgery, tend to be more expensive than non-surgical treatments such as dermal fillers.

Non-surgical Jaw slimming treatments use injectables or dermal fillers to reduce the size of the masseter muscle. This results in a slimmer jawline and a more tapered face. It’s important to find an experienced and reputable medical practitioner to perform these injections. They should have a wide range of treatment experience and be able to provide you with natural-looking, long-lasting results.

What is the Cost Range for Jawline Contouring Procedures?

One of the most popular and safest jawline slimming treatments is masseter Botox. It’s a quick, painless, and easy-to-administer procedure that takes less than an hour. During the treatment, the medical practitioner will disinfect the area with rubbing alcohol and apply a numbing cream to prevent any discomfort. Then, they’ll inject the neurotoxin into the masseter muscles in small doses. The amount of injections will depend on the size of the muscles and your desired result. Twenty units per side is usually enough to produce jawline slimming effects.

Besides cosmetic benefits, masseter Botox can help with health concerns such as teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism). By relaxing this muscle, it helps ease tension in the jaw joint and alleviates symptoms of TMD and severe bruxism.

If you’re interested in a jawline slimming procedure, make an appointment at Medical Injectables for a consultation with Dr. Lucky and her team in Wollongong and Orange, NSW. During your consultation, we’ll discuss your goals and medical history to create a customized treatment plan. Then, we’ll recommend the best course of action for achieving your jawline goals.

For those who don’t want to undergo a jawline slimming surgery, we also offer Kybella, CoolSculpting, and other facial treatments to reduce the size of the cheeks and improve overall facial balance. Fillers can also be used to add volume to the cheeks and give a fuller, more youthful appearance.

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