Since entrepreneurship offers the promise of a lucrative future, along with the freedom of being their own boss, many women choose to walk the path of free enterprise rather than stay in dead-end jobs. Research has shown that twice as many women than men choose to leave corporate jobs to start their own business.

Advantages of starting your own business:

1) Previously, women were expected to work towards the goals of their organization without considering their own job satisfaction. Now more and more women are discovering the joys of being their own boss.

2) As the head of your own organization, you have more flexibility in setting corporate goals.

3) As a female entrepreneur, you should not worry about any glass ceiling that may hinder your professional growth.

4) You earn more as an entrepreneur.

5) Your contributions will be more valued when you manage your own business.

What makes women entrepreneurs successful
All over the world, business analysts sit up and take note of the contributions that women entrepreneurs are making to the economy. Entrepreneurship used to be a male stronghold, and the glass ceiling in the business sector is turning away many women. Therefore, an increasing number of women are choosing to leave their corporate jobs and start their own businesses.

Here are some initial facts about women entrepreneurs:

1) Women start more businesses than men.

2) A third of women who left their jobs to become successful entrepreneurs said they were not taken seriously by their employer.

3) 51 percent of women left corporate jobs due to lack of flexibility.

4) In the US, women own 28 percent of small businesses.

5) Women entrepreneurs in the US employ just over 9 million people and earned $3 million in revenue for the US in 2005.

Groups of Women Entrepreneurs:
Many organizations support the growth of women entrepreneurs. You can join groups like Women in Entrepreneurship that aim to train women entrepreneurs and provide them with resources.

Groups of Women Entrepreneurs: Advantages of Associating;
Some of the advantages of joining groups for women entrepreneurs include:

1) Opportunity to share experiences and establish contacts with other women entrepreneurs.

2) Get updates on workshops, seminars, trade shows, etc.

3) Have access to a directory listing women entrepreneurs.

4) Participate in contests for women entrepreneurs.

Women entrepreneurs can also take advantage of grant and loan programs from many federal, state, and private agencies. With more and more women starting their own businesses, the number of grants and loans awarded to them has also increased. If you are a women entrepreneur and need to know more about funds, business plans, and organizations that help women entrepreneurs, you can consult a small business expert.

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