Attention Lawyers: Beware of Online Fraud

Are you a solo practitioner? Do you have a small or medium law firm? This article is for you to protect your assets, business, and reputation from scammers who have already defrauded hundreds of attorneys and bankrupted many practices. The story line can unfold in various ways, but conceptually it is as follows. First, you receive an email with a […]

It’s not all about technology: people are part of the process

Any process, technology or application upgrade should be carefully considered at the end user level. Beyond the cost of servers, equipment, software, licenses, integration, and downtime, you’re going through it all just to have very few adopt the update, or worse, use the update as little as possible. . Now, it’s just human nature: everyone resists change (even you). That’s […]

Polysorbate 60 and the Helsinki formula for hair growth

The Helsinki formula was in the news a lot in the 1980s and 1990s: first as a miracle cure for hair loss; and then as the center of a long legal battle and a media circus. It is a compound whose active ingredient was originally Polysorbate 60 and later Polysorbate 80, ingredients that are still found in many hair treatment […]

How to become a cryptanalyst

If you want to learn how to become a cryptanalyst, you need to learn more about the profession first. Basically, cryptanalysts are responsible for examining and interpreting the secret encryption systems that are used for police, military, and political organizations. By decoding these messages, you can help ensure the confidentiality of agencies, corporations, and individuals and keep unwanted users out […]

Teleseminars: Overcoming Fears

Teleseminars are becoming more and more popular, especially due to the increase in the number of network marketing companies. However, hosting one of these teleseminar sessions is a completely different story. Some people are very willing and eager to host their session and are really quite capable of holding the attention of their listeners. However, there are some people who […]

Your teacher was wrong! Copying from others may be a smart idea

Every day in US schools, children are taught that copying the work of others is “wrong.” It is a “punishable” crime. US law also protects against unauthorized copying of trade secrets, copyrighted works, audio and video productions, and a host of other types of products. These are also “punishable” crimes. However, if you want to become a successful business with […]

Location of speed traps

Woof! According to the US Census Bureau population clock, there are more than 320,000,000 people in the United States. That’s probably not surprising to most people, but what is surprising (and should be concerning) is that when births, deaths, and migration from other countries are taken into account, we gain one person every 14 seconds. Now, don’t get me wrong. […]

Hypocrisy of overregulation

Very often, legislators and regulators create rules and regulations using a linear mindset. They claim they understand the issues, they even have public hearings to prove it. However, the people who can attend such things are often lawyers and losers. Losers because anyone in the market who was winning has no time to introduce themselves, they are too busy producing […]